Where to go to Chernigov and what to see?


Chernigov is a typical Ukrainian city. In Chernigov, a story with our days was quite successful and now, this is such a completely Ukrainian city with historical monuments and a light European flare. My wife and We were passing here and were in the very city of just one day, so we could not see all interesting places, and those who saw, I think it would be worthy of what would have been writing about them. I will try to write a little more, because the city really loved me very much and I would like to visit him again, but only for a longer period.

Catherine Church . This temple is located in the historic part of Chernigov on the heroev Alley. A typical structure for the Ukrainian architecture of the seventeenth - eighteenth century. They built a church in one thousand six hundred and ninety-sixth year in honor of the heroic assault of Azov, who conducted the Chernygiv Region Cossacks. In order to elevate the temple, they built it on cape, high enough. If you describe the church as a regular building, then I will say that it is built of bricks, the design is cruciform, and the architectural style can be attributed to the baroque. This church can be attributed to unusual and special. Do you know why? Because she has no main facade. In total, the temple is three entrances - with southern, with northern and easternly. It is quite natural that each entrance is decorated equally. The inner decoration of the temple, quite typically for the Ukrainian Orthodox churches and to paint it, I do not see the point.

Where to go to Chernigov and what to see? 13752_1

Antoniev Caves . They are located on the territory of the Trinity-Ilinsky monastery, which, in turn, is located on the Bolden Mountains on the Usspensky Street, 33. The monastery itself complete with the first underground temple, founded Anthony Pechersky in one thousand sixty-ninth year. In the cave part, you can get only through the unique and very old church of the twelfth century, which is called Ilinskaya. Caves are pretty curious because they consist of four tiers, which in turn are on each other, that is, it seems the impression of the most real floors, but only under the ground. The total length of these caves is only three hundred meters, which, on the one hand, it seems like not much, and on the other, it seems like not too little. The most important shrines, here are certainly the focus of St. Anthony Pechersky, as well as the tomb of the monks who were killed in the thirteenth century Mongol-Tatars. To the same shrines, you can add a cross, which is here from the same time the cave data was based. It is necessary to inspect the Church of St. Feodosia Totemsky, which is the largest underground church in the territory of all Ukraine. The height of the church is eight meters and forty centimeters and it is to arrange inside the temple, church choirs. There is also a church-koznitsa here, too underground. In this church, the monks who lived at the monastery, but unfortunately, the church itself was abandoned in ancient times. One thousand nine hundred and sixty-ninth year, the caves were part of the architectural and historical reserve Chernigov.

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Paraskewra Friday Temple . Girls who are not married, I give a set - it is, this holy helps unmarried girls to find family happiness and find their narrowed. This church is also called Friday. Previously, she was the cathedral with the Chernihiv monastery. This is one of the oldest architectural and historical monuments that are located in the city of Chernigov. The construction of the temple belongs to the twelfth century, and it is probably why the temple resembles something like a fortress, because this building has rather thick walls, the windows are very much reminiscent of the loopholes, and the massive columns are even more strengthening the construction. The architectural features of the temple, gave a scientist for a good argument, to make an assumption that the architectural project of the Church, the architect the architectural time of the ancient Rusi- Pyotr Mileg was worked. For all the time of its existence, the temple has repeatedly undergone restructuring, so he reached us not quite in the form in which it was originally created. So, for example, in the seventeenth century it was rebuilt and even extended. In one thousand seven hundred and the fiftieth year and one thousand eight hundred and sixty second year, the temple was significantly injured from the fires that arose in it. One thousand seven hundred eighty-sixth year, the monastery and all his surrounding buildings were demolished, and the church miraculously survived, but only no longer as a cathedral, but as an ordinary parish church. In the times of the Great Patriotic War, the church was almost completely destroyed. The restoration of the temple, began to fight in the post-war years, and ended only one thousand nine hundred and sixty second year. Thanks to the efforts of two talented architects - M. V. Holozerko and P. D. Baranovsky, it was possible to restore the most precisely as possible, the priority. Now, the church is valid. Interior decoration, differs from other churches, an unusual floor, which is lined with glazed tiles of different colors and walls that are decorated with fresco painting.

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Borisoglebsky Cathedral . This temple was built in the period from one thousand one hundred and twenty-year one thousand one hundred and twenty-third year. They were erected, already on the finished foundation, which remained from more ancient buildings of the eleventh century. At the very beginning, there was an idea, to build a given structure as a tomb for the sons of Prince Vladimir, and as a house church. Today, the cathedral is almost fully preserved in its original form, with all the delights of architectural features that are peculiar to the temple buildings of the twelfth century. And it even despite the fact that the cathedral was repeatedly rebuilt because of several destruction.

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He suffered from both the invasions of the Tatar-Mongolian yoke, and during the Second World War, but every time he miraculously managed to restore literally raising their ashes. Already in the twentieth century, over his appearance, to a large extent, the outstanding archaeologist and restorer N. Khristenko worked. Thanks to the efforts of this amazing person, it was possible to restore the ancient Russian appearance of the temple.

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