Spanish fairy tale - Barcelona


More beautiful than the city than Barcelona, ​​I did not see in my life. Delight from his visit rolls! Constratusing emotions, I will tell in order.

Our tour was combined and consisted of a beach holiday in the Costa Brave and two days in Barcelona. I liked the resort of Costa Brava, an excellent service, a cozy hotel and a gentle sea. True, prices are not affordable.

In Barcelona we were settled at the hotel, which was located far from the center and had to spend 40 minutes on the road to major beauty.

The Spanish capital is characterized by a huge number of interesting places. Two days are very little, not enough to familiarize themselves with a small part. We managed to visit the Sagrada Cathedral.

Sagrada Cathedral Surname is a practically business card of Barcelona. This is a majestic architectural structure that has been made from all sides in different styles. Bygoing the cathedral, you might think that these are different buildings. Inside very beautiful, some atmosphere of pacification reigns.

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The main minus is that it is not easy to get inside, you need to stand a huge queue in the cashier.

Guell Park is a fabulous place. Approaching it, you notice the houses that resemble gingerbread with appetizing icing in the form of roofs. In front of the park fountain, the picture overlooking it is often portrayed on the magnets and various souvenirs. Every detail, an interesting bench, a lot of greenery, a lot of souvenirs, is thought out in the park, but prices are more expensive than elsewhere.

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I was very regretted that I had arrived in Barcelona for only two days, for the completeness of sensations it is worth going at least 10 days.

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