Ultsin: a piece of Albanian history in Montenegro


One of the items of our journey in Montenegro was Ultsin's city, which is 25 km from Bara. Ultsin is a very interesting city in which several religions and nationalities blended. Here, on the territory of one city, Muslims and Christians live quietly. There is clearly visible the effect of Eastern traditions and cultures, but it does not prevent the coexist to local residents in the world and peace.

In Ultsin, we wanted to visit the old town and relax on a wide 12-kilometer beach with black sand. The old town really liked and, in principle, did not particularly differ from the old city in Budva and the bar. Input 3 euros. On the territory there is an observation deck, library and several halls.

Coming out of the walls of a strict city, we went to walk along the Ultsin embankment and shops. The embankment is small, but cozy, with small cafes and unobtrusive music.

After the fortress and hike shopping, we went to look for a beach with black sand. It is immediately behind the city. The entrance to the beach resembles a Soviet resort - a lot of abandoned or old boarding houses, sanatoriums. We left a car at the end of the sanatorium zone, after which, we opened a stunning view of Ulzin's endless Beach with the smallest black sand. There are several cafes on the beach. We managed to visit one of them because of the rain. The fun waiter sang something in Serbian and quickly spread orders to visitors. The very pleasant atmosphere reigned here - everything was easy and easy. The rain is rapidly ended, and we went swimming - the entrance to the sea smooth, the depth is small, the waves are high. People on the beach were very small, and maybe it seemed because of the sizes of the beach. It's time to go back to the bar to pass the car into the rolling office, and, once again, swimming in the sea, we left.

Ultsin impressed a pleasant, but mesh, fussy city. It is very felt by the influence of Albania and, in particular, Muslims. Therefore, Ultsin is too different from the rest of the cities of Montenegro. But this is the zest of the city, thanks to which, we really liked it.

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