Where to go to Durres and what to see?


Durres is a place of harmony. Why? I liked him with my historical sights, and he attracted his spouse with the pure waters of the Adriatic Sea. The decisive plus, has become affordable price for accommodation in the hotel. A two-star hotel, here is only one, as well as a five-star, too alone. We stayed in three-star and remained very satisfied - the price is affordable, the service is good. In principle, we practically were not in the room and came to spend clean. I was enthusiastically engaged in visiting sights, and the spouse, meanwhile, took sunbathing. I will not write about his gorgeous tanning, I will tell you better about what you can see in Durres.

Port of Dresa . This port is the largest in Albania. It was founded two more thousand years ago, Illyrians. Today, it is pretty modern port, which has an artificial harbor with an area of ​​sixty-seven hectares and depth from seven and a half to eleven and a half meters. In total, the port area is equal to eighty hectares. Along the port, there is an embankment, the length of which is two thousand two hundred meters. Tourists who travel around Europe will surely make the fact that this port is associated with Italy ferry crossing.

Where to go to Durres and what to see? 13654_1

Antique amphitheater. . As the city of Durres, very ancient and roughly founded in six hundred and twenty-seventh year BC, then the presence of an amphitheater, as in my opinion, the thing is quite natural. I brought me that the remains of so valuable antiquity, peacefully, adjacent to modern buildings. We would have such a rarity, for sure it would be fenced with a three-meter fence and covered with a dome. The reliable date of construction of this amphitheater is unknown, but there is an assumption that he appeared here in the second century BC. If you consider his old age, I can safely say that it has been preserved just great, and moreover, he also looks like one hundred percent! The amphitheater, has the appearance of an impressive and even to some degree noble. Looking at this magnificence, I had the idea that it was so well preserved for several reasons. The first reason is a good location. The second reason is that it is surrounded by the fortress walls that apparently and have lost this structure from destruction.

Where to go to Durres and what to see? 13654_2

Main Mosque . No, this is not an old building, but quite modern, because it was built in one thousand nine hundred and ninety-third year. When I saw her, I did not understand right away that it was a modern building. Easured a mosque from a light stone. The main decoration is a subtle minaret similar on the arrow. Visually, the mosque looks a bit rustic, as for the main thing, but at the same time it is quite elegant. I did not come inside. I would not know if I would let me or not, but I had enough that I loved it outside.

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Venetian tower . Well, the local authorities do not know how to take such an invaluable treasure! In the city, there are perfectly preserved walls of the Byzantine Ancient City. There are both the walls of the Byzantine fortress, which was erected in the sixth century, accurate after the invasion is ready in four hundred and eighty-first of our era. In a few centuries, in the fourteenth century, the walls of the fortress were additionally strengthened with round towers. Here in one of these towers, which has been perfectly preserved and over which you need to shake it from everything, the bar works. You just imagine! In the historical monument, a bar for young people opened! I consider it at least a crime and sacredness!

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Villa King Ahmeta I Zogu . This structure is located on a hill that is the same name as the city itself. Who is Ahmet's first zogu? This is the first president and the king of Albania. One thousand nine hundred and twenty-sixth year, local merchants decided to make a gift to the king and collected funds to build this villa. The author of the project is the architect Cristo Sodyri, who graduated from the University of Padua and at that time had extensive experience in the development of projects of buildings of this kind. Construction of the villa, it was completed in one thousand nine hundred thirty-seventh year. The gift of merchants was as impossible by the way, because a few months before the construction of the villa was completed, the King of Albania, married. He liked the gift and this villa became the summer residence of the vengearious family. And it is not surprising, as it offers stunning views from the chambers and all because the villa itself is located at an altitude of ninety-eight meters above sea level. In those days, when Albania was a communist, many of the leaders of the socialist building and Nikita Khrushchev were stopped on this villa, there was no exception. In the nineties of the last century, the villa stayed by Jimmy Carter, who today is the former president of the United States of America. In one thousand nine hundred and ninety-seventh year, in the consequence of the riots, the interior of the villa suffered greatly, but thanks to the efforts of the son of Ahmet of the first, Prince Liki, the inner decoration of the villa was fully restored, though ten years after the riots, namely, in two thousand and seventh year.

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Archaeological Museum . The opening of the museum was held in one thousand nine hundred and fifty-first. Since then, all visitors have the opportunity to see their own eyes, the richest collections of the artifacts of the Roman, Hellenistic and Greek periods. The most interesting artifacts, in my opinion are stone sarcophages, miniature busts of the goddess Venus, funeral Roman steles, mosaics and many other items that were found during the excavations both in the Durres itself and in the neighboring regions. By the way, for the collection of the miniature busts of Venus, a separate room was assigned a separate room, it was probably an emphasis on the fact that once the city and its locals worshiped this goddess of love. It is worth noting that this museum is the largest archaeological museum throughout Albania. The museum works every day, except Monday and Sunday, from nine in the morning and up to three hours of the day.

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