Rest in Poyana-Brasov: for and against


Due to the fact that in Russia to rest in Romania refer both to something about something and not very interesting, the ski resort of the Poyana-Brasov, located at the foot of Mount Postavar (175 km from Bucharest), few people are known, and meanwhile by the ratio Price and quality, he can give odds widely advertised ski resorts of France, Italy and even Switzerland. It is possible that that is why it is so popular among European lovers of the mountain skiing and snowboard.

I think that for Russian tourists this place may seem interesting and therefore will talk about the pros and cons of this resort.

Rest in Poyana-Brasov: for and against 13642_1


- The first and undoubtedly the most important plus of the Zyana-Brasov, these are prices. Compared to similar ski resorts of the already mentioned countries, prices are cheaper here at times. For all! Starting with rental skis and equipment, ending with prices in numerous cafes and restaurants. Why pay more?

- Ecology and beauty of nature. The second name of the Zoyana-Brasov is the "Solar Polyana". And this is the right name, because the resort is in an amazingly beautiful valley overgrown with relict forests, which is constantly lit by the sun. Gloomy sky, it is a rarity for these places. In favor of ecology, the fact that in this region is prohibited by movement on all types of transport, except snowmobiles or equestrian sleds.

Rest in Poyana-Brasov: for and against 13642_2

- long season. You can ride in the town of Brasov 8 months a year, largely due to the fact that there is enough the number of snow machines in the resort that corrects the situation in those days ever, ever, or when it is estimated.

- Infrastructure. Zyana-Brasov, this is a relatively young resort, which also survived modernization a few years ago. The length of ski trails exceeds 20 kilometers, which serves 10 lifts of different types (chairlive, buckel, gondolate), and one of them allows you to get to the wilderness boar. Lovers of ordinary skis will like the Olympic trail located at the foot of the mountain.

Rest in Poyana-Brasov: for and against 13642_3

- Excellent option for rest with children. A ski school for both adults and children of all ages, including 4-5-year-olds, for which a kindergarten works can be "put on skis, operates.

- Good infrastructure for evening holidays. The resort has something to occupy oneself and in addition to skiing. Vacationers are offered medical procedures, such as: treatment with mineral waters and mud. For lovers of horseback walks there is a stable. The same who wants to rapidly spend the evening several nightclubs are available, as well as a large number of bars and cafes.

Rest in Poyana-Brasov: for and against 13642_4


The most interesting thing is that as such, global minuses did not notice. Well, except:

- A small hotel foundation. That is, if you want to go to the village of Brasov, the room in the hotel needs to be booked in advance, otherwise it will be possible to remove them in a month and a half in the event of a great luck.

- It is necessary to know English or another European language, at least at the base level. Otherwise, there will be difficulties with communications. Russian-speaking here is not at all!

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