Is it worth going to Batam?


Batam is an island in the province of Riau Island in the north of Indonesia. This is the largest city in the province. There is an island 20 km from Singapore and is home to over a million people. For the most part, Malayians live here, but the Chinese also live here (a little bit). Most likely, you have never heard about this island (naturally, all of our heard only about Bali, well, about Jakarta, from the course of geography at school), so you have several real reasons why you should visit Batam.

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1. Prices are very low here compared to Singapore, so you will most likely feel the king here. You are most likely enough for 20% - 30% of the amount that you would spend on the journey of the same durability, but in Western Europe, the USA, Japan, Great Britain, Canada, Australia and other rich countries.

2. Batam is a very beautiful island and is extremely close to Singapore (less than 1 hour by boat).

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3. There is a great weather all year round, with average temperatures from +28 to +33 degrees (there is, of course, and the rainy season, but even during these months you can calmly go to the island, good, and in the rain there is something to do) .

4. The inhabitants of the island are pleasant and hospitable compared to other Asian countries and some Western countries. You definitely make yourself a whole bunch of new friends who make you feel at home very quickly. Smile and friendly greeting - here is the usual generally accepted appeal, even with unfamiliar people. Will we learn from them!

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5. Here are more women than men. The ratio of women to men is perhaps the most unusual in the world. It is believed that 100 women on Batam account for 50 men. Loose guys travelers, walk! By the way, maybe therefore here so calmly (it would be, all guys in case, as they say, yes and drunk tourists have already posed), and one girl or the company of girls here can go completely calmly.

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6. An excellent place to learn Indonesian language. Or start learning. But it is better to learn a few phrases before going to the island! Well, in fact, you will find that almost all the inhabitants of the island speak English perfectly in English, believe me (probably, the proximity of the very English-speaking Singapore). If you need it, of course.

7. Delicious, high-quality and cheap seafood. If you are a lover of fish restaurants, then you will have to do with the soul.

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8. A pleasant political climate and a good financial situation (in comparison with other regions of Indonesia) - Batam in general is now experiencing years of unprecedented financial development and investment - everything grows, as on yeast!

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9. Not bad, even more, excellent nightlife: Numerous nightclubs, cafes and bars - will not be boring! Especially fun in Naked, the main city of the island.

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10. Real estate in Batama flourishes! It's time to invest in Batam! But this is probably another article.

11. Shopping on the island is very good! Well, all, as it should be for funny money.

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12. There are many spa salons. In general, visiting the spa is the mandatory part of the program of your travel to Batam. Prices are fairly cheap, at least, if you ordered a simple massage or face massage.

13. Batam is outside the risk of earthquake, unlike other regions of the country.

14. There is a whole sea of ​​restaurants and cafes, but there are more familiar places for especially picky - McDonalds, Pizza Hut, KFC, etc. If absolutely nemogue.

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15. Beer and cigarettes here are quite cheap compared to Singapore or other Asian countries, not to mention Europe or Russia.

16. On the island there are several super-high-grade golf courses: Tamarin Santana, Palmsprings, Southlinks and Tering Bay. Professionals, do not yaw!

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17. On the island there are many inexpensive motels and hotels, from $ 13 with breakfast (room for two). But there are expensive luxury resorts (especially in the northern part of the island).

18. Batam is a free trade zone. Many companies in Singapore built their factories on this island, due to the lower cost of labor and land. The status of the SST attracts a large number of foreign investors who build plants on the island (mechanical engineering and electronic industry). This, of course, minus from an ecological point of view, and the island is no longer representing the "Paradise Bounty Corner". But the prices are really below!

19. Despite the fact that the majority of the Population of Batam - Muslims can be noted religious tolerance, which is very nice.

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20. Coffee is just amazing!

21. There is an airport on the island, so there is quite easy to fly from other Islands of Indonesia. With neighboring bridges, the island associate bridges (six bridges Barelang) - very convenient!

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22. Here you can enjoy water sports - in particular, on the west coast of Batam, in the resort of Waterfront, which is so loved by Singapurty.

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23. Despite the industrialization, traditional Malay villages still live on the island, and secluded corners.

24. Beaches! Batam is known for their picturesque beaches and wonderful resorts that own these beaches. Perhaps, even on Bali there are no such. There is a couple of wild beaches on the island, where you can smash the tent and sit at the fire all night long (but these beaches of that beaches and looked to the hands of hotels).

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25. On the island you will find several temples, as a rule, two types, Buddhist and Hindu. Temples are extremely popular among tourists.

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In general, as you can see, Batam is a combination of all the ideal qualities of a good rest: a good infrastructure, a choice of hotels on any pocket, beautiful nature, good weather, friendly locals and affordable prices. So, if you arrived in Singapore or explore Indonesia, be sure to turn on both Batam on the list of places to visit. It's worth it!

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