What are the interesting places worth a visit on the Samana?


The Saman Peninsula, remained in my memory as a paradise plane untouched by a man on Earth. To be honest, I didn't count on the fact that we will find anything like this. Found! Here we not only rested perfectly, and also felt themselves to be the most real newlyweds. By the way, I would very recommended the Samana Peninsula Young who are going to the wedding trip. Here everything has to leisurely contemplation and careless Nege - clean rivers, coconut groves, caves, waterfalls and desert beaches. By the way, almost the entire coastline of the Saman Peninsula, consists of beaches. Razo, and only! Sitting in an embrace on the beach, you can admire the fun game of dolphins. Locals say that in the period from January to March, here you can see such a rarity as humpback whales. As you probably understood, attractions in the form of monuments are practically no. But here there are a lot of natural attractions, some of which I want to describe you, as they painfully smelled to me in the soul.

What are the interesting places worth a visit on the Samana? 13583_1

Waterfall El Lemon. . This waterfall is the brightest landmark of the peninsula, which is discussed. This is not only the most beautiful, but also the highest waterfall in the Dominican Republic, the height of which is fifty meters. This pearl is hidden, deep in the jungle and get to it, you can only riding a horse led by a conductor. I can't call our way easy, as I don't sit too well with the saddle and after this trip I have sick every cell of my body, but believe me, it really was worth it. Local aborigines, call their treasure otherwise, as "waterfall millionaires". The fact is that the aborigines are sacred believe that any bathing in the waters of this waterfall, right on his head can fall the suitcase by the bitter packed with money. Water in the lake is cool, but it did not stop me after a long and tedious path. The suitcase with money I did not fall on my head, but the local children, famously jumped off the protrusions right into the lake. My spouse did not take repeat their feat, since the conductor warned us that at the bottom of the lake there are very sharp stones.

What are the interesting places worth a visit on the Samana? 13583_2

Fun-Fun Cave . Extreme, wildlife, difficult road, incredible fatigue and feeling of full human happiness! That's how I can briefly describe this tour. You will not get here on the car. In order to see the cave with his own eyes, it is necessary to show the miracles of agility and courage, since we had to move a river ride, ride horses and slide on very slippery slopes. In order to get inside the cave, you need to go down to a depth of sixty meters and find yourself in the kingdom, where the main designers, there are stalagmites, stalactites and underground rivers. Pictures that drew these natural artists is able to hit the imagination of absolutely any person. But the main owners of this cave are bats. The cave was called, just from that sound that publish wings of bats during the flight. Before the volatile mice, indians and traces of their presence lived in the cave, can be seen on the walls, as wall inscriptions and several idols. Do not count on the fact that you will walk around the cave as a prospete.

What are the interesting places worth a visit on the Samana? 13583_3

It is very difficult to move here, sometimes we had to squeeze through very narrow loopholes, swim under the sheer cliffs, to blame on the rope. When we got on the surface of the Earth, I felt anentedly born, there was very strong fatigue and very much wanted to dry, drink something to stronger and fall asleep with a roasty sleep.

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