Useful information about holiday in Bandung.


Several useful facts about Bandung.


Bandung is divided into "unofficial" areas:

West Bandung

Industrial area with residential quarters. Here is the airport of Hussein Sastranagars and the buildings of the aviation industry.

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North Bandung

It is considered a rather prestigious residential area. Here, by the way, cooler than the rest of the city. And here are some universities and shopping centers (Paris Van Java and Bandung Trade Center). Jalan Setiabudi in the north of the district also offers a number of outlet. Next to the north - suburban zone. Please note that the famous Lember and Campung Down is the north of this area.

Chipaganti and Cihampelas)

Two long streets are a prestigious residential area (Jalan Cipaganti) and "Jeans Paradise" (Jalan Cihampelas). Dangle in the streets between these two main streets and you will find a calmer residential area with a good cafe. Cihampelas Walk Mall is also in this area.

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In the colonial era, it was a favorite residential area among rich people. Currently, here you can find a number of branded shops, restaurants and steep hotels. This part of the city is experiencing huge changes and the process of refining. And here you will find a Bandung zoo. In general, it's great to walk here, but preferably by car.

Upper Dago

Another prestigious residential area in the hilly part of the city. There are many restaurants, where you have a great dinner and admire the city in the evening. Also, the region is famous for its art galleries.

East Bandung

There is a residential area of ​​the middle class. Main landmark - Saung Angklung Mang UDJO.

RIAU / Gedding Sate (Riau / Gedung Sate Area)

Part of the historical colonial government complex, which is very clearly planned and it is insanely interesting to study, walking on foot. Here you will find many restaurants and clothing stores. Shady green area - an ideal place for a midday cup of coffee. Be sure to visit this part of the city in order to taste the charm of the architectural heritage of Bandung.

Upper Central District

This is a new business district of Bandung. There is a Railway Station Bandung, Paskal Hyperersquare and the Istana Plaza Mall shopping center.

City Hall (City Hall Area)

Part of the historical colonial government complex. But there are more buildings where state and military bodies are still located. You will learn this area on wide roads and a large buildings of the city hall, the banking central office, the Cathedral of Bandung and many other historical buildings. The most famous street district - Braga (Braga Street).

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This is a business district, as well as the Chinese quarter is here. Take a look at the shopping center Pasar Baru with his famous bazair. And remember that on weekdays the roads leading to the cat are constantly suffering from traffic jams.

South Bandung

Extensive area filled with houses, business centers and industrial buildings. This is not a tourist zone, with the exception of some points, such as a shoe factory in Cibaduyut. And here there are many factory in the textile and clothing industry - the main branch in Bandung.

And a couple of useful contacts

• Ambulance: 118.

• Police: 110.

• Police Offices:

Western (Polresta Bandung Barat), JL. Sukajadi No. 141A, tel +62 22 203 1615.

Eastern (Polresta Bandung Timur), JL. Ah. Nasution No. 21, tel +62 22 7805981.

Central (Polresta Bandung Tengah), JL. Jend. Ahmad Yani No. 282, ☎ +62 22 7200058, +62 22 7271115.

Chimahi (Polres Cimahi), JL. Raya Cibabat, tel +62 22 2031181.

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• Hospitals with round-the-clock ambulance:

RS Umum Pusat Dr Hasan Sadikin, Ji. Pasteur No 38, tel +62 22 2034953.

RS Santo Borromeus, Ji. IR. H Juanda NO 100, tel +62 22 250 4041, +62 22 2552000

RS Rajawali: JL Rajawali 38. Tel +62 22 6011913

RS Advent Bandung, Ji. CIHAMPELAS NO 161., Tel +62 22 2034386.

RS Immanuel Bandung, Ji. KOPO NO 161. Tel +62 22 5001656.


RS Muhammadiyah Bandung: JL. KH Ahmad Dahlan No.53. Tel +62 22 7301062.

Santosa Bandung International Hospital: JL. Kebonjati No.38. Ted +62 22 4248555.

RS Kebonjati: JL. Kebonjati No. 152.

RS Advent: JL. Cihampelas No. 161.

RS Al Islam Bandung: JL. Sukarno Hatta No. 644.

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Now let's touch the question of how to move around the city.


Bandung may seem rather complex and confusing, especially for newcomers. Local residents love to ride in small public minibuses, known as "Angkot" (from Angkutan = transport and "Kota" = city). About where the bus is driving, you read on the table from above. But the description route is not anywhere. Just amazing how local residents remember how these minibuses go!

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Although there is an official price for travel, sometimes prices are based on how far you need to go. It is better to ask about the price of the driver or the kernet (driver assistant). To catch this minibus, just raise your hand, standing at the edge of the road, and the bus will stop. When you need to go out, just ask the kernet to stop - say loudly "Kiri" or just "stop".

The official routes of these buses are listed on the Bandung website (


The city has bus lines, but they do not cover the whole city. City buses, as a rule, travel along the longest routes, from end to the end; For example, from north to south and from west to east. City bus is called Damri.

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If you do not know which angkot to catch, it's easier to take a taxi. In theory, taxi drivers should use the counter, but some taxi drivers charge a fixed value. Do not be afraid to abandon the taxi driver services and go if the price seemed to you too high (or if they were not going to go for a taxi at all) - Taxi drivers raise even the local residents themselves. And remember that cunning taxi drivers can drag you along the long way to get more money. But how do you check .... In general, be careful when traveling by taxi. The most reliable taxi companies in Bandung - "BlueBird". Drivers of this company almost always use the shortest route and always use the counter.

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In Bandung, the taxi does not often expect customers on the roads, due to many small roads and a lack of space for waiting. For this reason, sometimes it is easier to order a taxi by phone - the easiest and safest way. Alternatively, you can ask for a security guard or police nearby so that he caught you a taxi. This is also normal.

Here are a taxi number:

• 4848, +62 22 4234848

• AA Taxi +62 22 60887777/6120045

• Bandung Raya +62 22 201 4018.

• Blue Bird +62 22 7561234.

• Centris Taxi +62 22 7512100.

• Cipaganti Taxi +62 22 7319498, +62 22 70070000, +62 22 76919440

• Gemah Ripah +62 22 4217070 (the second best after BLUE BIRD)

• Kota Kembang +62 22 7312312.

• Putra +62 22 5405010

• Rina-Rini Taxi +62 22 70511111

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