When is it worth going to rest in Kutaisi?


The choice of season for recreation in Kutaisi is purely individual. This, in fact, is not a resort city and the trip here can be coincided with the long journey to Georgia. Susi you planned holidays on the sea, then it's worth come here at least for a day or two. In the summer month here is usually hot. The air temperature rises up to 40 degrees, and in the evening it can reach 30. I write this information from the words of the relatives who live in this city. It is usually hotter than in many resort cities, such as Kobuleti, Ureki, Batumi. The precipitation falls significantly less. We rested here in September. We arrived on September 6 and got into the heat. I wanted to swim, but nowhere. It is a pity that in this second largest in Georgia there is no reservoir. Around the mid-September, the weather begins to fall, but not much. Already by the end of September, it became cool, there were several cold and rainy days. In general, it is nonsense. Last year until November, there was a hot weather, but the rain was not from May of the month. Apparently, we, tourists from the middle strip of Russia, brought the rain with both. This rain accompanied us and when traveling to the sea and in Kutaisi. As soon as we left Georgia, there again became warm and dry. So think then that the coincidence does not happen. Still as it happens.

What are the benefits of rest in Kutaisi in September? First, climatic conditions. Nevertheless there are no such heat as in the summer. This is a big plus to make walks around the city, watching attractions and just enjoy another atmosphere, atmosphere of rest.

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Secondly, this month there is a large amount of fruit. True, the prices of them are not particularly different from those that we used to see on the counters of their Russian shops. For example, plum costs 1.5-2 LARs, which is about 40-50 rubles to our money. The course was at the time of our arrival 25 rubles per LAR. Banans are generally "mad" money - 100 rubles. As for melon and watermelon, approximately 0.4-0.5 LAR. We rested with a 2-year-old child and I did not regret me at all that I chose it. September, they would not know where to go from the sun. Thirdly, there is an opportunity to buy some things, such as textiles. In the city it is not so much. You can go from Kutaisi in Batumi, and there to Turkey. By time it takes about 2.5 hours. You can see Turkish textiles and in Batumi itself. There is a large shopping center. But since we yourself came from a large Russian textile city, then we did not interest us this kind of purchase. The only thing is that - clothes from Istanbul. In Kutaisi, there are three shops near Kojin Fountain, which sell products from Istanbul. In September, the season of discounts. So, the classic skirt, trousers can be bought for 28 LAR, jacket for 38-45 LAR, dress for 19 LAR. Models are different and not all interesting and fashionable. Need to search. Children's clothing is not very good. True, the children's Turkish tights are very nice. I have not seen such like that. At a price of about 10 LAR.

September is good not only for shopping and sightseeing, but also cultural enrichment. In Kutaisi, there is a museum in which a very interesting exposition is collected, which will allow the first to see some household items dated past centuries. These are media of information for contemporaries. And in the museum you can see a copy of the Virgin, who decorates the dome of the temple in Gelati.

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When is it worth going to rest in Kutaisi? 13537_3

If you go on vacation with a child, I advise you to buy a stroller in advance, and it is better to bring with you. Prices for baby carriages here are several times higher than in Russia. For example, a stroller cane costs about 160 LAR, it is 4000 rubles. We can buy in us for 1000-1500 rubles.

There are plays and cons in each month. I do not regret the fact that the vacation came to September. No wonder that this time of year is called the velvet season. You can spend time on hiking, as well as on passive holidays on the sea, and also go to the mountains. We planned a trip to the mountains at the end of the month, not suggesting that the weather would change dramatically. I had to refuse, because in the mountains the temperature dropped to 10-13 degrees, and we did not have the appropriate equipment. So in the next arrival we will convince. Will will strive for.

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