Rest in Rieka: Prices


In Riek, this year we were during the yacht regatta FiManka, which was held from the twelfth to the fourteenth of June.

Rest in Rieka: Prices 13486_1

The spectacle is very beautiful and exciting, much graceful than jumps. Riuki and I visited the spouse for the second time and precisely because of the regatta. The first our trip was emphasis on the inspection of local attractions. View in Riekė, there is something. The architecture of the buildings of the city is so diverse that sometimes you start to confuse styles. However, I want to note that the whole ensemble is miraculously combined with each other. Rijekov Streets, very clean and you might think that they wash them every day with a powder.

Rest in Rieka: Prices 13486_2

In order to relax as much as possible, enjoy the city atmosphere and inspect all the local heritages, one week is enough. With housing there are no problems here and we have been picked up a completely decent and budget option, truth without meals. Products we bought both in the store and on the roar, a couple of times allowed themselves to go to the local restaurant and snack in a cafe. To better navigate the budget of the trip, I drive a notebook to which I write down all prices. So today, I want to share with you food prices in Riek.

Rijeka - prices for products in stores

- kilogram of potatoes, on average there are three Croatian kuns or twenty Russian rubles;

- Apples, stand eight Croatian kun or fifty-two Russian rubles per one kilogram, but it is an average because the price can be both higher and lower depending on the variety of these appals;

- Oranges, also stand eight kun per kilogram;

- Watermelon, worth four kuns or twenty six rubles per kilogram. The price is higher, especially if we are talking about yellow watermelons, or on watermelons without bones;

- Bananas, stand nine kun or fifty-nine rubles for Kilo. As in my opinion, it is a somewhat overestimated price for bananas, but half a kilo took the same on the sample. Bananas like bananas, and they do not differ from those who sell in our stores;

Rest in Rieka: Prices 13486_3

- loaf of bread, costs five Croatian kuns or thirty-three Russian rubles;

- crisp baguette, also costs five Croatian kun;

- One liter of milk, an average of six Croatian kuns or thirty-nine rubles. As you understand, the cost of milk directly depends on the fat content and manufacturer;

- A glass of sour cream with a standard weight of a hundred eighty gram, although it is harder, costs 3.7 Croatian kun or twenty-four Russian rubles;

- one dozen chicken eggs in Riek, costs twelve Croatian kun or seventy-nine Russian rubles;

- One hundred fifty grams of yogurt with a fat content of 3.2 percent, there are two Croatian kuns or thirteen rubles;

- Yogurt in liter packaging, worth thirteen Croatian kun or eighty five Russian rubles. Yoghurt is very tasty and as for me, it is significantly different from our taste;

"One liter of kefir, worth eleven Croatian kuns or seventy-two Russian rubles." This is me talking about low-fat kefir. Fat kefir, it is more expensive;

- a kilogram of solid cheese, costs from thirty to sixty Croatian kun, or from a hundred ninety-seven to three hundred and ninety-four Russian rubles;

Rest in Rieka: Prices 13486_4

- Five hundred grams of greasy cottage cheese, worth sixteen Croatian kun or one hundred and five Russian rubles. I took cottage cheese to cheese, so I preferred precisely fat. No greasy cottage cheese, naturally costs slightly cheaper;

Rest in Rieka: Prices 13486_5

- Two hundred grams of mayonnaise with fatty sixty seven percent costs four Croatian kuns;

- Paul liters of plant refined oil, worth nine Croatian kun;

- one kilogram of cooled fresh chicken, worth a thirty Croatian kun or one hundred ninety-seven Russian rubles;

- kilogram of meat minced meat, worth twenty-eight Croatian kun or one hundred eighty-four Russian rubles;

- boiled sausage, on average there is a fourteen Croatian kun or ninety-two Russian rubles per kilogram;

- liter of dry red wine, worth twenty-five Croatian kun or one hundred sixty-four Russian rubles. Wine is simply amazing, but unfortunately did not record his name on time;

- Maslins in a bank, stand from eleven to thirteen Croatian kun, or from seventy two to eighty-five rubles;

- Beer, and my husband is still that fan of this bitter drink, worth eleven kun. How much I have tried a beer, I didn't work for this drink, since I love everything sweet, and beer is too bitter for me. The husband has greatly appealed the fact that if you save a check from buying and bring an empty bottle from under beer to the same store, then three kuns are returned to the pocket. He joked very much about this, and said that he was very economical about the family budget. How many exactly on the day can drink these very bottles of beer, I will probably keep silent, because if he read it, then surely offended;

- Canned fish presented in a very scarce assortment, namely the buyer has the opportunity to choose between sardine and tuna. Everything! Not that we have gobies, sprat, sprats, and so on. Okay. So, here is such a fish jar, it costs from seven to thirteen local money;

- Water, you can buy, but it is quite safe to use the one that runs from the cranes. In the store, one and a half liters of water costs about nine Croatian kunov, which makes her purchase too reasonable. Water we bought only once and then due to the fact that the stock of the water taken on the road ended, and he wanted to drink very much;

- ice cream. Do you like ice cream as I adore him? If so, in Riek, you will need to pay seven kun for it. This is the price for one ball.

Rest in Rieka: Prices 13486_6

Ice cream here in very big, I would even say in mega a huge assortment, and if my husband did not pull me on time, then I would have spent all our money only for one thing, and I strongly doubt that I would have been able to try everything Types of this magnificent ice cream, which in its quality resembles our Soviet Swab.

Rest in Rieka: Prices 13486_7

Yes, exactly as our seal, because it is the same gentle and fat, and there is even a slightest hint of water and other not very tasty nastiness.

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