Impressions from the excursion "Singing fountains in Barcelona"


We were lucky. This excursion was combined with a visit to the so-called "Spanish Village". About visiting this "Potemkin" village, I already wrote. This complex was created to the World Exhibition of 1929. By the same year, the so-called singing and dancing fountains were created.

Impressions from the excursion

This is a magnificent structure, fully built by the end of the 20s of the last century, never updated engineering, that is, the entire system of pipelines, pumps, nozzles remained mainly from the original spare parts. And if it was made by some kind of Novodel, then everything was manufactured according to original drawings and from original materials.

Impressions from the excursion

Water is served from Artesian wells drilled in 1927-28. The pipeline to fountains with a length of about 6 kilometers, water is injected with compressed air supplied to the injectors system, and is about 1.5 kilometers. It makes no sense about technical solutions, there is an Internet for these purposes, where everything is.

Impressions from the excursion

Our session started at 21 o'clock. The people were so much that all places nearby were already busy. I had to sit on the towering lawn, right on Earth. And here the action began! Music accompaniment is not very loud, but the color solutions of "dancing jets" is very impressive. In Dubai, the fountain show lasts about 5-8 minutes, starting every hour. Of course, and is delightful there.

Impressions from the excursion

But this beauty was built at the end of the 20th century.

Impressions from the excursion

About 70 years old shares their birth. Yes, and to compare these two acts is very difficult. In Barcelona, ​​this is a huge fountain, in Dubai, the system of nozzles in an artificial lake. That is, two absolutely different ideas. But in Barcelona, ​​the representation lasts about 2 hours, or so. The nearest places to the fountain are sprinkled with high jets and numerous splashes, enthusiastic shouts of fell under water !!!

Impressions from the excursion

By the way, water that feeds the fountain nozzles is quite possible to use directly intended, that is, drinking without any harm to health. But ... With all its beauty, Spain sisters fraudsters, pockets, that is, the best friends of those who are opening their mouth, to the stories and beauties. With me on the show fountains, there are two women, probably, the Germans lost their handbags. What was there, I don't know, but it was also a show! Madama drink beer, handbag on the table. A young man passes, pleasant outdoor, grabs a handbag, throws one, that third, man 10 arrange the cattle, 5 seconds - and there is no one of the participants in the play. So, be careful and careful.

But, back to the fountains. Describes such beauty, just not possible. It is necessary to look at it with your own eyes. No photographs, filmmakers will not transmit that smell of water, freshness, vigorous from the delight of a multilingual company, combined by a single impulse of delight !!! Yes, this must be seen!

Impressions from the excursion

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