Kislovodsk - the city of one street ...


I am from early childhood, as an ever-sick child, sent to various sanatoriums and for some reason most often in Kislovodsk. I really liked this city, and at any time of the year. We went, mostly with my favorite grandfather and walked a lot through the streets of Kislovodsk.

Since then, a lot of time has passed and here I am again in Kislovodsk, but twenty years later ... the city has changed and it seems to me not for the better. He dilapidated very much. By and large, only one street remained beautiful and more or less well-maintained - the resort boulevard. But there is some kind of desolation.

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In addition, excellent facades of mansions, in addition to the creaseed plaster, are amourized by advertising posters and shields. A little kill in the depths of the courtyards and now heaps of garbage, which no one removes.

In addition to the resort boulevard and, perhaps, the park is more about to walk. Roads in a terrible condition, sidewalks are broken, the balconies of Togo and looked at the head. Very painful picture of the once beautiful city.

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The city looks abandoned. Some bureaucrats are closed, nailed baths are also on the castle and the building will appear literally in front of the eyes. And against the background of all this, prices in the cafe were surprised. Despite the fact that I had a way to eat, I went to the cafes and it should be noted that the price tag for dinner for two turned out to be quite inhuman.

What remains at the height is a spa treatment. Many sanatoriums and boarding houses along with old corps have already rebuilt new and modern buildings, the living conditions in which are not inferior to the five-star hotel.

Well, of course, the pride of Kislovodsk - doctors. In almost all resort hospitals there are well-deserved high-quality medical staff. Here, no one works "after the sleeves". The attitude and quality of the medical services provided is above all praise.

To come together for a couple of weeks in Kislovodsk for amendments of health or just for rest with the ability to complete the full examination is available almost to everyone. Prices are acceptable and you can find a sanatorium for every taste and wallet. But the city itself will most likely make an oppressive impression. I very much hope that the city administration will take on its external appearance and return to Kislovodsk former beauty.

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