What interesting places should be visited in Bavaria?


Nuremberg Castle.

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The structure of the castle itself consists of three parts: the Fortress of Nuremberg, Kaiserburg and Burggrafenburg. Initially, the castle was built as a residence for emperors, but after the construction of the castle, the foot of the rocky hills began to appear and the city outlines began to grow, so the castle had much more and large-scale values. There were very strong, at that time, strengthening the tower of the zinventures and Heuduturh, as well as the front palace and the imperial chapel.

However, with such scales of the castle, its minimalist style simply hit the visitors of the guests. It is rumored that during the arrival of the emperor, it was necessary to take chairs from ordinary citizens.

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In the 15th century, an imperial garden was created around the castle, which tourists can see today. It is from here very well visible the city of Nuremberg himself, and his picturesque beauty. And the park is still considered the largest in all Germany.

Address: Burg 13, 0403 Nürnberg.

Royal estate Linderhof.

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The castle is the result of the work of Ludwig II, and this is the smallest castle of all, the construction of which was completed in 1886. Initially, the castle served as a refuge, and today, this is a great place to visit tourists. Frescoes, sculptures, mosaics that tell about some pictures from the history of German mythology - all this can be seen both inside and outside the castle. The inner interior is true, more picturesque, because it is complemented by flowers, fireplaces, a variety of vases and porcelain, as well as other elements of decorating those times.

Given the fact that Ludwig II was idealistic, then the style of the construction itself can be understood, which connects the elements of Rococo and Baroque. Tourists can visit the bedroom, reception, dining rooms, as well as oriental and Western tapestry, the rest of the same rooms are closed to view.

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I really liked the Ludwig Bavarian bedroom, in which the artificial waterfall is located, as well as an amazing crystal candelabr, which consists of one hundred and eight candles. Many tourists also prefer to take walks in the scenic garden, which is located in the courtyard. Before the entrance from the castle itself, there is a pond, with the grotto of the Golden Venger in the center. By the way, in the garden there is an excellent pavilion, made in oriental style, and the garden design fits very beautifully into the interior surrounding it.

Address: Linderhof 12, 82488 Ettal.

Dierer's hare.

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A very unusual work of art is located directly opposite the House-Museum of Albrecht Dürer, established in 2003. As you know, almost all residents of Nuremberg, Dürere created a picture called young field hare, which enjoyed very popular in the old days, and was practically in every home.

To date, the monument is a hare-mutant, which carries out of a wooden box and bits beneath itself. This hare is triangular ears and huge clawed paws, and a little bunny sits, who is very like a hare from the drawing of a famous artist - Durera. The hare is pretty gloomy and somewhat terrible. But this was the author's idea - to show the person who he would become, belonging to nature mercilessly and frivolously.

Fountain "Wedding Carousel".

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Built on the basis of the poem of Hans Saks (bitterly sweet marriage). Amazing and very impressive spectacle.

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The creation of this fountain is closely related to the construction of the metro in the city. Straight in the middle of the square, the ventilation mines were replaced, which local authorities decided to disguise with the help of this, now very popular among tourists, masterpiece.

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The authorities held a competition for the best project, whose winner was Junger Weber, who recreated six scenes from the poem of Hans Saks.

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The work of post-modern, really very extraordinary, so it is possible to look at the creation for a long time.

Church of Our Lady.

What interesting places should be visited in Bavaria? 13472_10

This is a Catholic Church, located on the east side of the main market of the city. This is one of the most popular city attractions, since it is very beautiful outwardly and internally. Built in the 1358th year, by order of Emperor Charles IV, the church served as an imperial court chapel, and after a restructuring from 1810 to 1816, it began to have the status of the Catholic parish church.

At the time of the war, most of the church was destroyed, but in post-war times, namely from 1945 to 1953, the destruction was eliminated and conducted an extensive restoration.

Address: Church of Our Lady in Nurenberg, Hauptmarkt 16, 90403 Nürnberg

Church of St. Bartholomew.

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This is an excellent Roman Catholic Church, named after the Apostle of St. Bartholomew, who was the patron saint of milkmen and farmers in the Alps. For me, a visit to the church was not just another trip on the historical sights of Bavaria, but a real discovery and an adventure, since the Church itself is located on the Hirscho Peninsula that on the West Bank of the picturesque River Königsee. Therefore, you can get here only with the help of a ship, or after a long excursion passing through the mountain, since the church surrounds mountain ranges, which looks very picturesque and impressive, in combination with the mirror surface of the river.

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The very first chapel was erected here in the 1134th rector of Berchtesgaden, and already in 1697, the plaster of the artist Joseph Schmidt, restored her in the style of Baroque. Here is an annual pilgrimage that is held on Saturday, after August 24th. Right near the chapel is a small house, which was also built in the twelfth century, and after several times he was restored, along with the church.

Up until 1803, the house was the apartment of princes-rectors of Berchtesgaden, since their territory was included in the Bavarian kingdom. But after 1810, the apartment turned into a hunting house of the ruling home of Vitelex.

At the present, this is a hotel, which kindly accepts pilgrims and tourists around the world here. And even though the path to the church is not so simple, a visit to this amazing place becomes quite justified, thanks to its beauty.

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