Fabulous "Berendevo Kingdom"


Recently returned from Kaluga to Moscow on the Kiev highway and saw a large accumulation of cars in front. At first, thought a crash. But in fact, that it was a turn on the sparrows in Berendevo Kingdom. It turns out that the place is quite popular, especially among the defers. Why haven't we heard about him yet?


What is this most "Berendevo Kingdom"? At first I thought it was a clone of the eponymous thematic park in the vicinity of Sochi. But it turned out this not at all. Moscow region "Berendevo Kingdom" is significantly different from his seaside "brother." I would even say that it is much better. This park even reminded me of something "Whale Pier" in Zyuratkul (which, unfortunately, was demolished). We fell into a real fabulous town, and completely free. For myself, "Berendevo Kingdom" dubbed Russian Disneyland. Very beautiful here. But there are several nuances.

First, this is an advertising project of a construction company, which builds fabulous cottage villages nearby (we traveled a little more and a strawberry and strawberries with one eye, because only potential buyers can get there.


Secondly, construction is also under the place of "Berendev kingdom", only this will only be a cottage village, but the theme park "Reserve of fairy tales". Therefore, there is a little dirty, because the construction of a complete move is a construction. There were places where the construction trash was lying. So, if you arrive with children, you need to follow them.


Otherwise, I liked everything. One house we met three heroes. Mushroom houses were also "under the protection" of tin soldiers. On the Alley fairy tales you can read the signs on which the history of this or that hero is described in detail. I liked it very much that there are only heroes of Russian and European fairy tales in the Berendevsky Kingdom. I remember in Sochi we were entertained mainly by Shreki and Mickey Mausi. From the "non-Russian" fabulous characters we saw a cat in boots, Tsarevna Swan and Pinocchio. Many photographed with a princess-frog, makers, merry mumers and just funny animals.


We saw the plan of the reserve - impressive! The park will be divided into the kingdom of goodness, the zone of evil and interminion. I really want to see this project implemented, so I look forward to 2017 to get to the official opening of the park. Only then do not come here for free!

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