What to expect from the excursion "Monumental Barcelona"?


So, during a beach holiday in the suburb of the capital of Catalonia - it would be a crime not to visit Barcelona, ​​because immediately after settling the hotel faced the question of tours. Initially, we planned to visit the city on a rented car, but this desire was launched on the road from the airport: narrow stripes, not that in Moscow, on which the bus does not fit, a very dense movement of the mirror to the mirror, and most importantly - the mass of paid roads that So far, alien to the resident of Russia. Well, the choice fell on the bus tour "Monumental Barcelona", on the road!

What to expect from the excursion

I will make a reservation immediately that I did not expect to see anything supernatural, therefore calmly tristed on the road. Waking up from the lumber of numerous shutters - I understood, here she, Barcelona.

What to expect from the excursion

Rather, only her suburbs - the city of Mataro. And here we enter the city hell. No, I did not see any sleeping areas, no new buildings, factories and abandoned lands are just a neat three \ six-story houses, weathered in a single style, with a beautiful stucco on the facade, forged lattices on balconies and the same blinds on the windows. And of course, the mass of Catalan flags.

Our path lay to the Cathedral of the Holy Family, the Defense of the Architect and the Great Man Antonio Gaudi.

What to expect from the excursion

However, Barcelona is called the "city of Gaudi", but about this later. Having arrived at no more than half an hour in the narrow and tidy streets of the city - we turn out to park the buses, from which a delightful look opens. Further because of the dense traffic, you have to walk and, the closer the temple - the more emotions. It is impossible to describe in words, it must be seen!

What to expect from the excursion

A huge, truly monumental building in the Gothic style - amazes. Each of the facades has its own history, its legend, the inconspicuous amount of sketches from the Bible right on the walls, the bizarre form of the tower ... All this is really amazing and very majestically - the Cathedral of the Holy Family is the highest temple in Europe, but, I think that world. True, it is in the future, at the moment the cathedral is not completed, it is planned to finish the construction through, just think about - in thirty or fifty years! And how the guide says is far from the limit. And now more shocking information - it is already being built over a hundred years. Of course, the Russians are familiar with such construction deadlines, some of the high-rise buildings in the cities are embarrassed, but there is another, the work and it is visible here, this greatness, uniqueness, power and beauty is remembered forever.

What to expect from the excursion

But, after stories about each of the facades, about the life of Gaudi, about the city itself - it's time to move on.

Next stop - Square Catalonia,

What to expect from the excursion

Where does the famous La Rambla Street begins, an analogue of our Arbat. From here you will have to move on all the sights of Barcelona independently and without a guide, but the basic beauty is also not far away. Passing down to the sea - you can see a rare beauty Cathedral,

What to expect from the excursion

Further the Palace of Music is waiting for you, in the other side - Balle and Mila house, as created by incomparable Gaudi, which screaming from the general architectural composition. Everywhere there are a lot of people, for a detailed visit to the above-described attractions, you will need a lot of time, the day is not enough for sure that the multi-meter queues from tourists, but to enjoy the spley outside and capture yourself against the background of this fabulous beauty is quite possible in a few hours.

Barcelona is not a city of the local population. Tourists, tourists, and once again tourists: white, black, yellow - the whole world came to look at these beauties. For the completeness of sensations, they decided to ride on the subway - absolutely not impressed.

What to expect from the excursion

The stations are the same type, the compositions did not leave memory. That is, the usual means of movement, not Moscow ...

What to expect from the excursion

Next we are waiting for a bus tour. Here you and monuments of architecture, Christopher Columbus, girl and bird, gardens, zoo and much more. We are approaching the highest point of the city - Montjuke hills, just 172 meters high.

What to expect from the excursion

However, at the beginning of the rise, it becomes clear that together with low-rise buildings and the location of the city in Nizin - the view will shook and amazes. The whole city is like a palm. Here you and the cathedrals, and the height of "Akbar", and the network of streets. Those who wish can ride on the cable car a la funicular. The pleasure costs only ten euros and donates you to the air to the port itself, to which the beautiful view also opens, the truth is incomparable with the city review. On the mountain itself, beautiful parks, fountains, small sculptures, but at the same time wild, just a hellish slope. I, coming out of the bus, I first did not understand what was wrong with me, I thought my head was smelled, so be careful. Be sure to visit the viewing platforms on both sides, the benefit between them is not big.

After crawling in the mountains - we go to the final point of the route, driving past the Olympic facilities, since the summer Olympiad passed in Barcelona - to the so-called "Spanish village",

What to expect from the excursion

Which has never been the village. This is an artificial structure dedicated to the international exhibition in the 20s of the last century. Not a little without reaching it - the driver will definitely stop and allow you to enjoy the view that opens to the National Palace of Barcelona. It is there that are world-famous singing fountains created at the same time as the village. Despite the fact that they are without a small one hundred years - this is an enchanting spectacle, however, this is another story.

The Spanish village, especially since Barcelona itself, to be honest - not impressed. Although lovers will like the story, there are built on the pores, assembled from all corners of Spain: Galicia, Valencia, the Basque Country ... The only thing that really pleased me, tired and dried after such an impressive journey is a delicious beer in one of the many cafes,

What to expect from the excursion

Moreover, also in the original glass, which is not unavailable - very large. After drinking it, I relaxed in the seat of the bus and went back to the hourly full of impressions, emotions and photos.

What to expect from the excursion

Tired, but terribly pleased.

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