Features of recreation in the tariff


Tariff is a small town located in southern Spain. Despite its centuries-old history, it is currently popular with tourists completely for other reasons. The first of them is his unique geographical location - it is located on the most southernmost point of continental Europe and, in addition, in this place there are Water of the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. Therefore, almost every person who visited the tariff has a photo on which it is depicted on a narrow coherence, between two shields, on one of which is written by Mediterraneo (Mediterranean Sea), and on the other - Atlantico.

Features of recreation in the tariff 13322_1

Features of recreation in the tariff 13322_2

The second reason why this small and non-pieces, in general, the town is quite known for travelers, is associated with winds that are considered the most strong on this coast. Thanks to this feature, the city is the capital of windsurfing and kitesurfing region. When you drive up to the city, at any time of the year, the first thing you see is multicolored kites - sails in the form of an air serpent, which is filled with all the sky of the coast.

Features of recreation in the tariff 13322_3

In addition to sports, many imposes the opportunity to travel to the African continent, which is just 14 km from the city, and which is perfectly visible in good weather. Between the tariff and Moroccan Tangier run boats and ferries.

From historical attractions in the city, the fortress and several churches located on the site of the former mosques are preserved.

The city is surrounded by magnificent beaches with small sand. Due to the strong wind, it is not always comfortable here, so people who prefer the beach holiday, the tariff is not very popular.

The city itself is quite typical for this region, where throughout the centuries the Arab culture dominated European. Inside the remains of the fortress walls are narrow streets with small white houses, chaotic turning and going into a slide, along a slide. The town is quite cozy, but somewhat boring for a long stay.

Features of recreation in the tariff 13322_4

Very memorized Street Art, which looks colorfully on vintage houses and walls.

Features of recreation in the tariff 13322_5

Near the city there are amazing beaches, especially in the ocean part of the coast. Here you can observe not only powerful tides and lowers, but also to replenish your sewer collection with selected instances.

Features of recreation in the tariff 13322_6

Visit Tariffs as a unique place in its location and energy, of course, can be recommended to everyone. However, if you choose a place to relax, it is more suitable for young sports people who do or are going to do windsurfing or kitesurfing than families with children or retirees.

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