Excursions to Pizzo: What to see?


Why is it better for an exk

In Calabria, wonderful sandy beaches, a fairly calm warm sea, a stunning kitchen and low prices. Calabria needs to ride, try fresh angular anchovs, mussels, sardines and fish, whose names we do not even know, wine at winemakers, cheeses, sweets. But infrastructure in Calabria is poorly developed. And independent colleagues may not be very comfortable.

The most important thing is that you need to understand the tourist when choosing an excursion

Attractions in Calabria are not too much, the most interesting excursions in Calabria landscape and culinary. But of course there is everything for sports lovers (catamarans, bicycles, boats) and special tours, pedestrian and cycling, mountain or vineyards, courses for divers ...

The road to many objects is complex and long. Especially if you "will suffer" to the ionic coast or at Costa Viola. And in general, and look at Calabria is not particularly what. And therefore I would advise on focus on the main and most interesting excursions:

- Liapan Islands (see the article on tours of the Tropeus). Because it is something very special !!!

- Sicily (Taormina and Strait "Street Messina")

- And personally, from my point of view, you should not drive further Capo Vaticano

Why pizzo is so convenient as a source goal for a variety of excursions in Calabria.

Of course, Pizzo is not the city that will be awarded the first architectural premium. If you are interested in a pleasant atmosphere around, then it is better to choose a trail, and even better Vibo Marino. Although there is something to see in Pizzo. For example, see the fortress in which the Napoleonic commander of Murat was kept and shot. Or the pidigrotto - the temple is cut right in the rock. And Pizzo is the birthplace of ice cream Tartufo, here you catch a tuna and a fish sword. But we will not dwell on this in detail and focus on excursions with departure from Pizzo. You can order them in any turbule, the cost is usually ok. 50 euros. Many turbuo offer excursions in Russian. Calabria In recent years, from the inner Italian resort has become one of the favorite places of recreation of Russian tourists. Attractions here are a bit, they are scattered along coasts and in the inner areas.


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Coast Two: Tyrrhenan and Ionian. Almost all the coast of the Tirenskaya Sea borders with rocky and covered with forests with an array of mountains. In addition, mountainous and all north of the cana block. The most southern segment of the Trensky coast is Costa Viola. There, by the way, the most storms. The ionic coast in the central and southern part is flat. That is, these coasts are separated by the mountains and therefore either. The only place is conveniently connected to both coasts is Pizzo. In addition, Pizzo is located as it were at the beginning of the performance, the most remote point of which Capo Vaticano. And therefore you can either go along the shore in the trail, Capo Vaticano, the nicotet, etc., or immediately access the autobahn to Tauro (in which there is particularly nothing to watch), Szillla and Reggio di Calabria. And therefore In Pizzo, the list of excursions is the largest!

Calabrian Inland Areas

The road is leading from Pizzo from Tyrrensky to the ionic coast, in the middle of the way is the town and ancient monastery Serra San Bruno. The forests around are famous for huge white mushrooms, whose season is in September. Further, in the direction of the ionic coast, the capital of Calabria is located - Katanzaro. There are about 119 thousand inhabitants, the height above the sea levels is 360 m and only 10 km to the ionic coast.

Excursions along the coast of the Trensky Sea, north of Pizzo

Lamecia Thermal is a modern thermal resort and aeroport in which you probably arrived.

In the town of Kozpanta, in the very north, deep into the coast is buried by the leader of the captain of Alarich, and the fortress was built yet by Normans in the 12th century. The German Kaiser Friedrich II lived here. Charming Village Morano Calabro, the town of Amatea ..

Excursions along the coast of the Trensky Sea, south of Pizzo.

Vibo Valentino is a modern city with a historic core, expensive hotels and restaurants. He is at sufficient height over the sea, and right on the coast is Vibo Marina.

The next stop on the path is the trop. Tropey - the most visited tourists town. There is a stunning castle on a rock right above the beach, a temple, a museum, narrow streets, trats and restaurants for every taste and wallet. From Tropei, the boats are published on the eols (Lipar) Islands. The port is free parking. Read more about excursions to Lipari in the article about the excursions from Tropeus.

The main attraction of Calabria is stunning beaches and landscapes. Is it possible not to come to the Capo Vaticano, from where Sicily and Eolians are visible, and the beaches of Grotchelli are considered the best in Europe.

Capo Vaticano and Grotchelli

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Further, along the sea to the city of Nikoter leaddong the road over the sea of ​​stunning beauty.

Road on the hob

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And the nicotera itself and her narrow streets are full of charm. This is the southern tip of Calabria.

Excursions to Calabria, Costa Viola coast.

The coast of Costa Viola begins behind the nicoter. Costa Viola is already achievable from the ionic coast. Sands at sunset are painted in purple color.

Even further - the desert coast and the port of Tauro, the famous local mafia.


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Further fishing villages. She, like an ancient monster, is called Szill. Hence the coast of Sicily is only 3.5 km. The width of the Strait between Kalabria and Sicily is only 3.5 km.

And at the very end of the Italian booze is the largest city with a population of 180 thousand. - Reggio di Calabria. He is known for Greek bronze statues, the 15th century Cathedral. And many others. The city is usually the end point of the tourist routes.

Ionian coast

The coast of the Ionian Sea borders in the north with the province of Basilicat and Golf Bay. On the opposite side of the coast there are gray and Albania. The connections of the Calabrian Mafia and Mafia Albenskaya are traditionally durable. Here flourishes the smuggling of weapons. Capo column not far from Crotone 5/6 of centuries - the remains of Roman temples and buildings. This is a heel booze, the north of the ionic coast.

You can call in the fortress of Castello times of the Aragon rule, the town of Santa Severin, Roccelit Di Borgia and the Archaeological Park, in the bay of Sovito, monastic grots in the styled, the ancient Squilace Superior.

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