What entertainment is in Bandung?


Bandung is about 80 kilometers east of the capital of the country, Jakarta. It is a fairly large city, with a population of almost 3 million people. This is the third largest city of Indonesia, and it is very felt. Once the Bandung was called "Paris-Wang-Java" or "Javanese Paris" - due to charming boulevards with the architecture of colonial times and a completely amazing atmosphere. But today Bandung has already confused by the former charm.

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The boulevards were replaced with semi-dust roads, a bit of cars and motorcycles, fresh air was filled with exhaust gases, and the colonial buildings were replaced with modern buildings. That's all that many tourists see coming to Bandung. And, accordingly, the impressions are not the best. But still, there is, what to see and what to do.

1) Stroll through the streets of the city

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To see the pleasant side of Bandung, about which only locals know, it is imperative to visit the city center, where the quiet streets, where the trees replace road signs. And in general, a few minutes away to the north of the center of Bandung are beautiful gardens, rice fields terraces and tea plantations - immediately it becomes clear why Dutch colonists loved this area so much.

2) Visit Kawach Putikh and Volcano Tangkuban

Kawach paths (the name means "white crater" in Indonesian) -Oro in the crater. The lake of extraordinary beauty is 50 km south of Bandung. The reservoir of the stunning pale turquoise color has an increased acid composition, so do not even think to swim there (or even check the water with your hands).

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But from a picturesque look just a contense breath. Newlyweds love to come to this lake, in order to pones beautiful photos.

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Bring with you a mask, because in the air is a sulfur (you can cover the scarve, if you are completely short. And do not forget to capture the jacket, as it is quite cold here (the lake is at the height). As for the volcano, then yes, it is very interesting. Friends are visible.

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This, by the way, one of the existing volcanoes, but for the last time he was erupted in 1983. Walk around the perimeter of the volcano and visit crater - this will be remembered for life!

3) Shopping on Jeans Street

Be sure to visit Cihampelas Walk - or how tourists nicknamed it, Cihampelas Walk, who could not repulse the original name. (If that, the name is pronounced as "Chiam Place"). On this street sell their clothes and accessories Local designers, and there are still many shops selling jeans of local production. Jeans love everything!

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Something here can be bought for value from $ 1 to S $ 5! Plus, extravagant facades of stores - all this is very interesting.

4) Go to the "Strawberry Hunt"

When you go to the volcano, then notice the kilometers of plantations. Yes, the soil there is very fertile, volcanic residues are very favorable for plants.

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Strawberry fields are located just a 5-minute drive from Kawach. For a symbolic fee (somewhere 5 dollars) you will be given a basket and allow you to collect so many strawberries as it will fit. By the way, the berries are always collected here by hand, and it is much more difficult than you can imagine (certainly not a couple of beds in the garden).

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5) Ride on the "unicorn"

There is something better than to go to the volcano - go to the volcano on the horse. And especially if your horse is with a pink mane. Right like from the cartoon "My Little Pony" ("Friendship is a miracle" in our opinion).

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The trip lasts just over 15 minutes, and about its cost you can get traded. As a rule, it costs about $ 6-7 per person.

6) Take the jungle trekking

Not just meaningless walking, but a campaign to a great goal. I mean, to 3 crater all the same volcanoes. Usually, first go to the main crater Kavat Tatto on the top, and then descend to Kavat House Katera.

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You certainly need a guide that would help you navigate in the forest. Yes, there are comfortable cleaned paths, but with a high probability you just dial, you will get tired and all cursed. And with a guide, a 30-minute walk will leave a bunch of pleasant memories. The slopes are full of picturesque places, so the professional camera does not hurt. Just be careful - at night or alone here it is not worth coming here. And do not forget to take water with you.

7) Open in volcanic sources

Standing in the beating heart of a live volcano - a completely surreal feeling. position. And in the crater Kawach Houses you will find several pools with mud and sources that always beat. Different pools with different temperatures. In warm, you can even reappear (it is especially pleasant to be in the mud), in the hot you will succeed except that to melting the legs. Scientists found out that these sources and dirt possess therapeutic properties.

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By the way, boiling streams can be used even for the preparation of eggs that you can purchase in the next store - then the spectacle! Together with tea, such a spa will cost you somehow. Sneak 25 dollars for "official entrance" and more than $ 30 per guide (for 2 hours). But, despite this, the trip definitely standing!

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8) Try the best Pisang Goreng

Panbang Goreng is, in fact, fried banana and one of the favorite snacks in Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and the Philippines. Ask a taxi driver Show you some decent roadside strap, where these snacks are sold. Crisping outside and sweet and gentle inside, this writing Goreng and the truth is a steep thing!

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There is a package of such things a little more than a dollar. Cheap and very tasty!

9) Admire the sunset

Choose for a restaurant dinner on top of a hill (for example, "The Valley" at JL. Lembah Pakar Timur No. 28, Dago Pakar, Jawa Barat). In order to open out beautiful views of the surroundings and sunset.

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10) Visit Sauung Angklung UDJO

Saung Angklung UDJO is a handicraft center, where it makes items from bamboo, and the workshop of musical instruments. There is this cultural center a 15-minute drive from the city center (at Jalan Padasuka, 118. Site: http://www.angklung-udjo.co.id/). Here you can become a viewer of a traditional musical performance that will help you to delve into the wonderful and mysterious Indonesian culture. As a rule, this is a 2-hour show, which consists of several parts: a puppet theater, dance in masks, dance with young children, etc.

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