Public transport in Milan



A ticket to urban transport can be bought in a machine or at the checkout at the entrance to the metro station, or in a stall with the press. One trip will cost you one and a half euros, and if you take a ticket that is designed for ten trips, then pay 13.80. Direct for a day costs 4.5, two - 8.25 euros. For the ticket, which is designed for one trip, you can ride in urban transport one and a half hours, while the number of transfers does not play roles; Exception - subway: on it for such a travel can be rocked only once.

The passage for a week costs 11.30, and for a month - 35. If you take a year calculated for a year, you will have to pay 330, however, there will be some bureaucratic procedures. There are still travel student - they cost a little less, but are designed only for those who study in Italian universities.

When traveling on public transport in Milan, it is necessary to compost the ticket, otherwise the controllers can crawl a hundred euros fine! Plus, pay for the ticket. Controllers in Italy are so harsh ... In general, to pay you, if you catch, you have to have any way.


This type of city transport is the most convenient. The best metro in Italy is located in Milan.

Train interval - five minutes. Metro branches - four: "Red" (M1), "green" (m2), "yellow" (m3) and "lilac". Of these, the most convenient for visitors is the red line: it is suitable for exploring city attractions. The intersection of the "red" M1 and the "yellow" m3 of the lines is close to the Milan Cathedral Duomo, and the "yellow" m3 with the "green" m2 - next to the Central Station. "Metro in Milan is open from 06:30 to 00:30.

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Bus and tram

The city transport system in Milan does not experience such overloads, such as, for example, it happens in Rome, so it is quite convenient to use local buses and trams. You can get acquainted with the schedule at the bus stop - it is indicated how transport works on weekdays and on weekends. There are differences in the schedule and at different times of the year: there are summer and winter.

Entrance to urban transport - through the front and back door, and the exit - through the average. Stopping buses - on demand, you must use one of the red signaling buttons to the driver. Trams stop everywhere. Schedule of buses and trams Milan - from 06:00 to 24:00 (it happens that they go much longer - already up to 02:30). There are night buses called Linee Sostitutive - they can be seen on urban streets from 00:30 to 01:30, they run between metro stations.

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Tourist transport

Travel buses and trams ride around the city. There is, for example, a two-storey bus from Zani Viaggi - it runs on two routes, "adult" ticket for a day worth twenty euros, "children's" - ten. Two days - respectively twenty five and fifteen. The departure of such transport is from pl. Piazza Castello, schedule - from 09:30 to 04:15, interval is one hour.


Taxi cars in Milan are painted in white, the number indicates the door. The fare is rather rather big. Tariffs are approximately the same as in Rome: about four euros for the first three kilometers, they are added to the cost of each km within the city, at 0.71 euros. At night, on weekends and holidays there are margins - about such nuances need to be informed in taxi drivers in advance. The drivers are taken to leave the tips - 0.5-1 euros.

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Catch a car on the street is not worth it - it is unlikely that someone will stop. You can find a taxi in the parking lots - especially many cars near tourist attractions, squares and stations. As an option - a call by phone, but in this case you will have to overpay for the passage of the car to the place of your location.

Movement on cars

There are those who, coming to Milan on their car, prefers around the city to move on it. But Milan's streets are not the most pleasant place for such pokatushek - due to many hours of traffic jams, the abundance of motor scooters and loud noise from alarm system. Not uncommon - unilateral movement streets and such where it is impossible to travel at all. The main trouble - with parking lots, free place in the city is very difficult. The best option is atm paid parking lots - they are denoted by blue stripes. The cost of parking is about one euro in four hours. There are a large number of details that best be clarified in advance by using the ATM site: Tickets for paying parking are sold directly in parking lots, in tobacco stalls and bars.

Parking for local are marked with yellow stripes, we will visit our transport here - risks to run into a rather big penalty, giving up to hundreds of euros. We also keep in mind that in Milan very strictly belong to exceeding speed - fines can achieve even 600 euros. For ignoring the red traffic light signal is fined for 65 euros.

Milan is surrounded by four main highways, which connect with the city of three district roads - North, Western and East: You can get to any area you need, bypassing the central part. On the A1 motorway from Milan, you can get to Bologna, Florence and Rome, on the highway A4 - to Western Italy (Turin), and in East (Venice). On the A7 motorway, you can go to the Genoa, and the A8 / A9 motorway leads to the north - to the city of Como, to lakes and Switzerland.

Car rental

It is worth the car for rent in the event that there is an inspection of the neighborhood in your plans. You can make an order in advance - on the Internet or phone / fax, or after arrival in Milan, right at the airport. Many offices have offices at Malpensa Airport, on the Lower Floor. In order to rent a car, it is necessary to meet the following requirements: age from 20 years, driving experience - at least a year, in stock - international driver's license and insurance policy. Payment - with a credit card, otherwise you will have to leave a solid amount of collateral or to negotiate the rental, through a travel agency (in Russia).

Bicycle rental and moped

Of course. Much cheaper and less problematic than to rent a car - you do not need to break your head, where to park such a transport. Requirements for renting a moped - the driver's license of categories A or V. During the day, such "happiness" pay approximately 25-80 euros. Bicycle rental - from ten euros (and if you take for a whole week, then from 30.)

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