What is interesting to see Podgorica?


A large burst of emotions from a visit to Podgorica, I did not get, but I did not count on it. Like most European cities, Podgorica has the old part of the city, in which there are actually all the most interesting sights. For years already, like six, I have mastered a new way to save on journey. Do you know how to easily save money? In order to get an answer to this question, it is necessary to clearly imagine, and it is best to calculate the budget of the trips. So, what are the largest waste you see? Accommodation and excursions. As for residence, this topic is separate because everyone has their needs, as for me and hostel is a great thing. Here are the excursions, this is exactly what you can save at truth, it is enough just to spend money on the city guide and get to the reliability of the navigator, the benefit of them is often integrated into the phones. So here is a unacceptable way, you can save a decent amount of money. I am from independent discoveries, I get impressions much more than I would get sprawling in a group of curious and restless tourists. So what can I see in Podgorica? Below I will write the most interesting places, but first I will make a slight digression. At the very beginning, I wrote about the old part of the city, so it can be moved both on foot and taxi. There are no problems in this city. Taxi's trip is on average from four to five euros, and almost all cars are equipped with air conditioning. Car, you can rent and rent. The cost of renting a car starts from thirty euros per day. Unfortunately, in Podgorica I was without a husband, and the driver's license is just with him, I still only reassign the car at the level of the blonde. The fiscal option is a bus trip, but you can only ride public transport if you are not frightened by the fact that you can get lost. The cost of this pleasure is only 0.6 euros. Now, actually the attractions themselves.

Skadar Lake . If you were in Montenegro or at least saw this country on the map, then surely have an idea that it is a very small country and its most part, takes just a scandadary lake, which has spread freely on a huge area in two hundred and twenty square kilometers. Speaking of truth, it is a kind of heart of the country and call him and adjacent to the protected territories, a simple national park, at least not fair. On the shores of the lake, you can see unique memos, about the people who have once lived here - long-abandoned and forgotten fishing villages, military fortifications, and so on. On the lake along the coast, there are small islands, so they are ancient Orthodox medieval monasteries, such as Starceva Goritsa, com, morangin, Peskka. Previously, these monasteries performed the function of scripting, that is, essentially were masterfully in which the census of church books was carried out. Ancient and slightly melt facilities, most beautifully harmonize with nature and you might think that Nature itself worked on them either, or this is the case of the hands of a talented designer. The most charming buildings, as in my opinion, are fishing houses with red tiles roofs. Skadar Lake, besides the fact that it is amazingly picturesque, so it is still the largest European reserve of swamp birds, which there are more than two hundred and sixty species. And also, it is a major ichthyutoryzervat, because in the waters of the lake there are more than forty-five species of fish, the most valuable, of which are trout, carp and bleak. When I told the spouse about it, he didn't fall a little faint from missed, because he fisherman fanatic and carp is his specialization, you just imagine that he knows all the habits of this fish. On the territory of the Skadar Lake, you can find such rarity as a curly pelican and a green frog, though I probably didn't take it on that day and these amazing creatures, I was not lucky enough to see the sortiem. On the lake is permitted fishing, which I first told the beliefly in order to suffer from it, and on the adjacent territory you can hunt a wolf, a boar, fox, hare and some species of birds. We all strongly advise, to start acquaintance with Podgorica and Montenegro as a whole, it is from the scandadar lake.

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Morach River . In addition to the fact that the Morach River, is the most famous river in Montenegro, so it also performs the main function of nutrition, such a giant as a scard lake. The length of the river is, about ninety-nine kilometers, and its pool area is three thousand two hundred square kilometers. The Morach River Canyon, whose length is about ninety kilometers, is famous for its dizzying contrasts. In the north, the river has a rapid temper and a rapid flow, but closer to the south, it is thrown and turns into a flat calm river. Morach River, it does not boast of great depth, but at its bottom there are accrades to five meters. In the waters of the Morach River, as in the Skadar Lake, there are a lot of the most diverse fish, which makes it a lined dream for many thousands of fishermen led by my belly spouse.

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Millennium Bridge . This design, crosses the Morach River. Length of the bridge is one hundred forty meters. The construction itself, built entirely in the modern European style. Over the project of the bridge, the architect of the Young Church, worked. The solemn discovery of this graceful structure was held by the thirteenth of July two thousand of the fifth year. For the construction of the Millennium Bridge, seven million euros left. It is quite obvious that a logical question arises - why did the bridge called, that's the way? The answer lies right on the surface. The thing is that the bridge connects the street on July 13, which is located in a new city, and the famous Boulevard Ivan Chernoevich, which is located in the old town.

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Such is the bridge of time, crossing which you get either in the past or now. And since the bridge was built in the second millennium, and the old part of the city was founded in the first, it is quite logical that the bridge was called, the Millennium Bridge.

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