Rest in Paris: Prices


Paris has already been so much written that it simply does not make sense to list all his interesting places, but there are very few prices in this city. When I was going on a trip, I simply could not make an even approximate budget. So, I really want to share with tourists who in the near future are planning a trip to Paris, food prices, transport and naturally, on entrance tickets to museums. For convenience, I advise you to write them right away.

Paris - Prices in the supermarket

- loaf of bread, costs from one to three euros;

- Baguette, costs 0.7 euros;

- Croissant, worth 0.8 euros;

- kilogram of solid cheese, costs from twenty to thirty euros;

- one kilogram of butter, costs from fifteen to sixteen euros;

- a liter of milk on average costs four euros;

- liter of yogurt, costs seven euros;

- Tens of eggs, costs four euros;

- portion of the finished salad, costs from two to three euros;

- Milk chocolate tile, costs from one to two euros;

- a kilogram of fresh beef, costs from twenty to twenty-five euros;

- a kilogram of fresh pork, costs from ten to thirteen euros;

- Chicken whole, costs twelve euros;

- Servelat in a state of cutting, costs from forty to fifty euros per kilogram;

- dairy sausage, on average it costs seven euros per kilogram;

- Salami, worth fourteen euros;

- kilogram of sausages, costs from seven to nine euros;

- shrimps cost sixteen euros per kilogram, while they can be bought in the market for fifteen euros, and if well to bargain, then for fourteen;

- Fish fillet, costs from twenty to thirty euros per kilogram;

- liter of juice, costs from one and a half to three euros;

- liter of carbonated water, worth one euro;

- liter of brandy, costs from twenty to thirty euros;

- liter of wine, costs from five to ten euros;

- Mandarins and lemons, are four euros for a kilogram;

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- strawberries, worth twenty euros per kilogram;

- bananas, cost from two to three euros;

- one kilogram of raspberries, costs forty euros;

- Kiwi, costs from six to seven euros;

- pineapples, stand from seven to ten euros;

- Apples, stand from those up to four euros per kilogram;

- Tomatoes, cost five euros;

- kilogram of potatoes, costs from three to four euros;

- carrots, worth three euros;

- Bunch of salad, it costs a half euro;

- bow, worth five euros;

- Cabbage, costs from two and a half to three euros per kilogram.

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Paris - Prices in Cafes and Restaurants

- Complex lunch, costs from ten to fifteen euros;

- Business Lunch in a tourist restaurant, which is located in the city center, is from fifteen to twenty-five euros;

- dinner for two persons with wine in a small and modest restaurant, it is from thirty to forty-five euros;

- A cup of coffee in a cafe, costs from three to six euros;

- a piece of cake, costs from four to six euros;

- big and hearty sandwich, costs from two and a half to three euros;

- a glass of wine, costs from four euros;

- A large fish or meat dish in a cafe, costs from ten to fifteen euros;

- Salad, worth an average of seven eight euros;

- Famous onion soup, costs eight euros;

- Milk dessert cream Bruel, costs eight euros.

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Paris - Museums and Attractions

- Museum Pass, this is perhaps the most profitable thing, as it gives the rights to enter sixty museums. So, in order to purchase a similar privilege for two days, you need to pay thirty-five euros, for the use of unlimited for four days, you need to post fifty euros, and finally, if you plan to stay in Paris at least a week, Museum Pass for six days , It costs sixty-five euros. I will say right away that even in six days, bypass sixty museums, is almost impossible, and if you succeed, then you will not remember everything in your head to settle at least chaos and kaleidoscope.

- Eiffel Tower. In order to rise to the very top of the tower, it is necessary to pay thirteen and a half euros;

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- Versailles. The cost of the entrance ticket to the famous Versailles is twenty-five euros;

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- Louvre. That's what's interesting. The entrance ticket to the Louvre, up to six o'clock in the evening, stands ten euros, and after six evenings the price is reduced to six euros;

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- Planetarium. Entrance ticket to the planetarium, worth eleven euros;

- Saint-Chapel Chapel in the Gothic style. In order to inspect it from the inside, it is necessary to pay eight euros;

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- Disneyland. A visit to one amusement park in one day, costs seventy euros for adults and sixty-three euros for children. Visiting two parks in two days for adults costs one hundred and fifty euros, and for the defeats one hundred and thirty-four euros;

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- A sightseeing tour by bus, worth twenty-two to twenty nine euros. Such buses go every fifteen minutes, so you can safely go out at stops and, if you wish to transfer to another bus, and you can simply go on one and consider all local attractions. The first time rushing on such a bus, I was afraid to go out because it was terribly lagging behind and get lost.

- Moulin rouge. The cost of the input ticket to one view is average one hundred euros. The price is certainly biting, but this is the spectacle worth.

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- Night clubs. Basically, the price of the entrance ticket to the nightclub is twenty-euros and a couple of cocktails are already included. I did not go to night clubs, so I cannot share my impressions unfortunately.

Paris - transport prices

- the cost of one ticket to the subway is 1.7 euros;

- a travel ticket for ten trips, worth twelve euros;

- Mobilis travel ticket for one day, costs fourteen euros;

- Ticket to Versaille on the train, costs three euros;

- a ticket from the airport, costs 8.7 euros and it is within one and a half hours, operates for metro trips;

- from Paris in Fontainebleau, you can get in 8.4 euros;

- Taxi. Landing, costs 2.2 euros. The cost of one kilometer of the trip is 0.9 euros. A trip to the airport, it may well do at twenty-seven euros. Taxi travel from Railway Station to Eiffel Tower, worth twelve euros. Taxi from the airport, straight to Versailles, costs sixty-four euros. Expensively definitely, but quickly.

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I was not interested in renting a car, but the edge of the ear heard that fines in Paris are not small, for example, for the wrong parking, you will have to pay thirty-five euros fine.

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