Why do tourists choose Munich?


According to many visitors, Munich is the most attractive of all German cities. His extraordinary beauty and rich history allows residents of the city to call him the second capital of the country. This is a major industrial and financial center of the country, as well as a cultural center, because about fifty exhibitions, museums, theaters and galleries are concentrated in the city, which will provide a lot of positive emotions from visitors.

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Munich's small difference from other cities in Germany is the national composition of the population, since more than a quarter, the city is populated by citizens of neighboring countries, which cannot be said about other cities whose residents are mainly Germans.

A moderately continental climate prevails in the city, so winter is very soft here, and last from December to March. Although, at this time, quite a large amount of precipitation falls, and the snow is still holding a few weeks. But the summer in Munich is not too roast, and is distinguished by strong rains.

From the side of the Alps of the Wind, can rather sharply change the air temperature in the city, so, going for a walk, it is worth capturing with you an extra jacket. The townspeople quite often dressed warmly, even in the summer.

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Munich is beautiful at any time of the year, so tourists always have enough tourists. But the greatest number of tourists fall on autumn when the country's most black festival is held - the famous Oktoberfest.

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But there are tourists who prefer winter holidays during which you can spend a great time skiing. But spring for the city is a real holiday of beauty and bright colors in which the city is putting on nature. Lush flowerbeds, blooming gardens and parks, all this beauty is just amazing, and it is pretty difficult to describe it with words. It is at this time that the true transformation of the city occurs, because Munich is located in the most picturesque place in Germany, at the beautiful Valley of the Izar River, which can change the color of water, depending on the time of year.

Beautiful landscapes appear before the gaze of many tourists and from the city territories themselves. For example, there are some parts of the Glaciers of the Bavarian Alps between the cliffs, and on the outskirts of the city to meet real mountains. In addition, the neighbors of the city are picturesque lakes - Ammesee, Starnberger, Himsee. Coniferous forests, which are the edge of the lake edges, give them even greater painting, some wildness, and when water is still, create amazing landscapes, reflected in aquatic mirror stroit. In the forests you can meet Surkov, Fox, Zaitsev, Kabanov, as well as protein.

Excellent and historical sights of Munich, among which the central square of Marienplatz acquired great popularity. This is the starting point of all excursions in the city, and in the center of the Square itself there is a statue of Mary - 1638.

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Nearby is the Old Town Hall, in which the toy museum is functioning today. There is also a new town hall, created in a chic non-neutic style. Its main pride is the unique clock, the times of the Middle Ages.

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The unfortunate interest is the Church of St. Paul, made in the 17th century in the style of Baroque. From the observation deck, at an altitude of 294-steps, a surprising view of the city and its surroundings opens. Moreover, you can visit such places as: Church of the Mother of God, Old Castle, Galleries Old and New Pinakotek, St. Michael Cathedral, and others. The two towers of the Church of God's Mother of God are the most recognizable symbols of Munich.

Next to the Olympic parks is the Museum of the largest Bavarian car manufacturer - the BMW Museum. The Museum and Headquarters of the Autocontraser is located for as many as four floors.

And of course, the capital of Bavaria is the best traditions of brewing, which are closely interrelated with appetizing snacks - sausages, baked ducks, sausages that are sold in any establishments of the city. The famous beer restaurant Munich - Augustiner-Keller, located at the main station, is famous not only for beautiful snacks and the foal varieties of foam drink, but also the beautiful interior in the old-year-old style.

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You can also go to the beer restaurant Hofbrojuz, which was built in the 16th century.

In any city's institution, in addition to snacks, you can taste an amazing breast on the ribs, fried pork or liver pate, which is prepared in the oven. But the greatest popularity is the pork steering wheel, which is served with potatoes and cabbage. A glass of beer in the bar costs about 2 euros, and lunch in a small cafe will cost 5-15 euros. Well, in a more chic restaurant, be prepared to pay twice as usual.

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But as for the placement, prices directly depend on the season, so in the fall, during the famous Oktoberfest festival, be prepared for the fact that cheap options are not found at all if you have not booked the rooms in advance. And the remaining seasons, prices do not fall below 45 euros per night. Bed and breakfasts offer rooms worth 140 euros for two. Therefore, an inexpensive accommodation option will have to search.

Among the entertainment establishments I would like to mention the beautiful lakes of Munich, offering more active views. An excellent option is the ski skiing, because the beauty of the alpine slopes has not yet left anyone indifferent, and the cost is much lower than Swiss transcendental prices.

It is also worth visiting the zoo, Circus Krone, Children's Park Legoland, and an excellent Aquapark Alpamare.

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Among the nightclubs are popularly enjoyed by Club 2, Max-Emanuel-Brauerei, offering excellent conditions for night rest and entertainment for young people.

Now a few words about the safety of tourists. If Germany is a relatively safe country, then in Munich, the likelihood of street theft is very high, so you should not carry large amounts of cash and should carefully follow your things in places of mass clusters of people. In addition, in Munich, as in the territory of all Germany, it is worth always carrying a photocopy of a passport or any documents that make your identity. Because the police often check the documents from tourists.

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