What currency is better to take with you in Montenegro?


Official currency in Montenegro - Euro. Yes, yes, do not be surprised. So, it turns out, it happens: the country is not members of the European Union, but in the territory of the entrance only euros. This situation has developed in connection with the difficult past of this country and the countries of the Balkan Peninsula at all. Montenegro in its time chose the binding of the national currency to German Doych-Marks, and then, when Germany moved to Euro, Montenegro had nothing left to do and residents of the country also moved to European currency. But Montenegro does not have the right to produce its Euruki, so it is content with the influx of the Euro currency from foreign investment and tourism. But here you can get on the surrender of any country of the eurozone, especially this fact is rejoiced by collectors of coins.

What currency is better to take with you in Montenegro? 13227_1

As already clearly, you need to go to Montenegro with the euro, and it is better to take care of the purchase even at home, I did not do this and as a result he has greatly lost on the course, but about it a little later.


All prices in shops, public transport, gas stations, hotels, cafes and restaurants are indicated in the euro. But the huge plus of Montenegro, which compared to neighboring countries here is relatively cheap and even taking into account the high euro course in our country, the prices of everything in terms of rugs are moderate.

What currency is better to take with you in Montenegro? 13227_2

I am in ignorance, nonsense - name as you like, got into Montenegro with US dollars. I had a little euro: exactly so much to pay in one night in the hotel and for a modest dinner. Special difficulty was that my arrival fell to Saturday evening and all banks were already closed. It was necessary to live until Monday and on Sunday I was concerned about the exchange of US dollars for the euro.

Asking local, I learned interesting information that on weekends to exchange money only on ... mail.

What currency is better to take with you in Montenegro? 13227_3

The benefit that their offices are crushed throughout the country and work daily. But I was expected hard disappointment: the exchange rate was simply robby. In addition, a big commission is taken. A girl in the mail several times I asked me whether I agree with the amount that I would get as a result, nothing to do, of course, I agree.

Having lived until Monday, I could exchange US dollars at the bank at the official rate. For the exchange you need to provide a passport. Banks work daily besides Sunday from 8 am to 19:00, and on Saturdays until 13:00. In the resort zones, I did not live, but familiar told that in popular tourist destinations, some branches of banks work on Sunday. The course in different banks is sometimes very "dancing", so do not be lazy, go around somewhat in search of the most profitable.

But with the ruble would be a complete ambush. For all the time of my trip in Montenegro, I did not see a single place where the rubles could be exchanged. The only option is most likely our compatriots who leave home. Perhaps someone agree to exchange the euro on rubles at the official rate.

So keep in mind if you are going to the resorts of Montenegro and take cash, then only the euro, otherwise you will constantly lose on the course.

Bank cards

Montenegro is a civilized country and here you can pay a bank card or withdraw cash. As usual, remember: Europe is MasterCard; And America - Visa. If anyone does not know, the principle is simple: if you have a ruble Visa card, then rubles are first converted into dollars, and then in euros; And if the MasterCard is ruble, then the rubles are directly converted into euros.

What currency is better to take with you in Montenegro? 13227_4

Unlike Asian countries, where it is vital to warn a bank about your trip, due to the high risk of fraud in these countries, Montenegro is absolutely safe.

But, as usual, there is one "but": Montenegrins love cash. As I have already written, there are no rights to produce euros - one of the main sources of cash euro. If you see somewhere the terminal to pay the card, do not share, it may not work. In addition, for some reason, the amount of write-off from the card is not as payment for the goods, but how to cash out, with the Commission and the Robber Course. But I already found out at home when I was able to get a printout of transactions on the map. Be careful!

In general, rest in Montenegro can do as "in a penny" and very inexpensive. Remember the most important rule for this country: only the euro and better cash and then you will avoid all commissions and "hits" on the course. Have a nice holiday!

What currency is better to take with you in Montenegro? 13227_5

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