How to get to Milan?


To get to Milan from Russia, you can use the railway, bus service or aircraft.

How to get a railway

The journey is not from short, it will suit those who for some reason do not want to take advantage of air transport - for example, because of the fear of flights. On the way will have to make transplants. The best way to leave the capital by the Moscow-Venice train, which goes once a week. From Moscow, he departs at 21:31, and in Venice you will arrive at 07:04, thus staying on the road sixty hours. And then in Venice, sit on some train to Milan.

There is another option - from Moscow to get to Cologne, and after, waiting for the day in this city, take the night train departing to Milan.

From the capital of Russia, you can also take a train through Munich or Vienna, making transplants there: for example, from Moscow to Munich car arrives at 08:57, and at 13:31 - there is a train to Milan. In this city you will be in the evening - at 20:45. Option with Vienna Such: The car from Moscow gets to her at 06:03, and in the evening - at 19:15 - the train to Milan. Arrival - the next morning, at 08:55.

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To familiarize yourself with the train schedule, you should use the Site of Russian Railways -Http: //, or just find out everything you need at the checkout station.

Get to Milan by bus

The second way to get to Milan from Russia is the bus: for example, in the transport of the company-carrier "INTERKARS-Europe", which is sent from the capital along the Moscow-Minsk-Naples route, or from the North Capital - also through Minsk to Naples, On the way to traveling to Milan.

To get acquainted with the schedule of motion of buses and ordering tickets you can go to the site

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In addition to this carrier, there is another such as "Evrolans" - but if you want to use it with services, then the destination will be Venice or Rome, and from there you will have to get to Milan.

We get through the airship.

The fastest option is, of course, the plane. Alitalia and Aeroflot every day have flights Moscow-Milan. You can fly from Peter - with the same Alitalia. Air travel will last approximately four hours. If you get from other Russian cities, you can two ways to Moscow or Peter, and then reset to Milan, or to some European city, and from it to Milan. Next I will tell about such options.

With Lufthansa Airlines, Milan can be reached from Samara and Nizhny Novgorod, and the transplant will be in Frankfurt. Austrian Airlines will be taken from Krasnodar and Rostov-on-Don - with docking in Vienna. If you get from Kazan, Yekaterinburg, Perm, the same Rostov-on-Don, Nizhny Novgorod, Ufa or Samara, you can use the services of Czech Airlines, with a transfer to Prague.

Turkish Airlines carrier will deliver you with a change in Istanbul - from Kazan, Yekaterinburg, Rostov, Novosibirsk and Sochi. From Yekaterinburg, you can still fly through Helsinki or Rome - with Finnair or with Alitalia, respectively. From Kaliningrad - through Riga, with AIR BALTIC.

On airports in Milan

Thanks to the presence of three airports, Milan is a large air transport node that serves more than thirty million passengers per year.


Airplanes from Russia arrive here. The airport is located forty-five kilometers from the city, in the northwestern direction - in Varese. There are two terminals related to transport messaging - with the help of shuttle bass. In each of the terminals, you can exchange currency, use banking services, telephone connection, visit public catering. Near the airport there are two parking.

Get to the city from Malpensa Airport

Several options: you can travel by train, by bus or on cars.

As for trains, they are departed from Terminal No. 1. Called "Malpensa-Express" arrive at Cadorna Station in the city center. The road will take forty minutes, the movement interval is thirty minutes. More information about traffic schedule and ticket prices - here:

There is still a train called Trenitalia - you can go to the Gallarate station on it (to her, by the way, from the airport and bus can be reached). More detailed data on this site:

On the shuttle bus, you can get from Malpensa Airport to the city's central bus station, as well as to the rest of the airports. The schedule can be found on this site:

How to get to Milan? 13207_3

If you go to the city by car, then leave the A8 route, and to get to Milan, use the Busto Arsizio Congress.


This airport hosts airplanes from the European Region and from local lines. Upon arrival here there are two options to get to Milan: take a bus or by car.

As for the buses, this is No. 73, traveling every day from the subway San Babila Station - Ten Minute Interval, schedule - from 06:00 to 00:30), or a shopping bus of Stam on which you can get to Central railway station.

By car you can drive to the central part of the city - along the Via XXII Marzo and Viale Corsica. You must use the Linate Congress with the ring.

Orio al-Serio

At this airport, low cost airlines have tickets, it also serves local destinations. You can get to the city or by train or by bus.

On buses you can get to the center of Milan, or to the town of Bergamo, which is near. The fare will be the nine -one-ten euros, tickets are sold at the box office at the airport.

The buses are sent to the central station with an interval in half an hour, the schedule - from 04:00 to 23:00. Wishing to get to the town of Bergamo, and then go to Milan, you can take a bus that goes from 06:05 to 00:15 - He arrives at the railway station. The fare is about two euros.

You can also go by train - but only if you get through Bergamo. And how to get to Bergamo, I already wrote. At the railway station in Bergamo sit on the train, and in an hour you will be in Milan. Travel will cost about five euros.

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