Rest with children in Battambang. Useful tips.


The first impression is a funny thing. As they say, it can "make or break", then you mean, solve fate. When tourists come to Battambang, then, as a rule, the first impressions - "Where we, damn, got ....?". Nevertheless, if you went there, then, it means you probably heard a lot of good about the city. By the way, the Cambodian themselves (not local) this city is also very like. In general, Battambang - obviously the place that should not be judged by the first impression.

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The first thing you note for yourself is somehow strangely quiet for the second largest city in Cambodia. In some places, the city even looks even abandoned. But, what is interesting: it seems that children under the age of 16 make up most of the population. Maybe therefore on the roads are not so many cars late in the evening? It is said that, due to the regime of red khmer in the 1970s, the average age of people in the city today is about 22 years old, with an average life expectancy of 62 years (mostly people die so quickly because of poor health). In general, you are unlikely to notice here many old men.

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But many, many children and babies. It's very cool, because you also flew here with children.

In general, Battambang is a calm pleasant city, where it is not afraid to fly with children at all. But where to go with them here and what to do.

-Grocery shops on the river - It is a delicious cheap food that is quite suitable for kids. Well, who will refuse the drum dose of vitamins? (and fruit here in bulk).

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-Night Amusement Park (Nightly Amusement Park) With attractions for children, and tickets with ridiculous prices (some roundabouts are less than a dollar). Works from 5 to 9 pm. The amusement park is located along the river embankment, on the opposite side. Find a long row of food kiosks by the river - the amusement park is just across the road. By the way, these shops with a meal is a great place to have a snack. Good local food, a pleasant atmosphere and service, not to mention the fact that there is a very tasty ice cream.

-Bamboo train . I'll write more. Many go to dusty Battambang solely for the sake of a bamboo train. I think you have already read the stories about this entertainment, they say, what a great fun to ride on a wooden train. This is true! It is easiest to rent a Tuk-Tuk, which would bring you directly to the train, because many tourists on rented mopeds or bicycles simply join half a day, unable to find the railway.

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Moreover, the hire of a moped costs $ 7, and a trip to Tuk Tuka for the whole family is only $ 5. If you do not know what a bamboo train is - I explain: this is a bamboo trolley on 2 metal rails, with a motor. The train rides with a maximum speed of about 25 km / h, and this speed is absolutely enough to feel the wind in her hair, but not enough to fall, if you wanted to build and admire landscapes. I assure you that the children will squeeze from delight all the half an hour, which you will go to a miracle cart.

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By the way, if another cart is going to meet another trolley (and the rails are alone), then you will be asked to get up (or they will be asked), so that another train was able to drive. The truck drivers will need about 3 minutes to disassemble the trailer and then fold it back to the rails.

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It can be said that this action looks terribly curious. In short, it is Mast-Du in Battambang.

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-Circus Ponle Fare . In general, Phare Ponleu Selpak is an art school and a public center in Battambang, which also organize circus performances, very energetic and fun.

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This organization began its life in 1986 in the refugee camp at the Thai-Cambodian border, and today provides free high-quality education for 1,200 children, some of which are freezers and orphans. Kids in this organization learn to music, dance or painting and participate in the circus show.

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Children grow and become professionals in their field, and then can apply these skills in adulthood. The first professional speech took place in 2002, and now the circus troupes touring Cambodia and abroad - in Europe, Australia, Asia and Africa.

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Every week in Battambang is held at least two shows. There is this school in Anh Chanh Village, which is about 5 minutes drive from the city center. The schedule of events can be found here:

-Temples . Yes, temples are also interesting for children. Only if you do not drag the baby for too long. You can advise to go to Wat Ek Pnom (Wat Ek Phnon) or Wat Banan (Wat Banan, built in 1050, go crazy!). Well, Wat Somrong Knong (Wat Somrong Knong) - this WAT was used by red khmers as a prison, and nearby areas - as fields of death. A little gloomy, but, nevertheless, not essentially.

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Today, here you can see a monument with very interesting bas-reliefs depicting atrocities that have happened here. I think in the details of the kids do not need to devote, but not avoid any questions.

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Of course, there is nothing to rejoice here, but your daughters will be very impressed with the tombstones of pink-pink, which you will find with some temples. Yes, in general, their religious places are still not so serious and harsh, and children will definitely be interesting to look at the colorful decorations, interesting paintings and sculptures in these.

-Local children . These comrades are about-very friendly and friendly. Barely you will reincarnate to negotiate with the merchant about anything, like your sons and local boys are already fighting on homemade "swords" and speak "the international language of boys." So comfortable!

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Children here work along with adults, mainly selling souvenirs. And also, you will see how local kids make small interesting souvenirs from the leaves. This is how easily on your eyes will be co-worn as a sheriff icon, or something else.

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And in general, you will not notice how these sympathy "push" ringlets and bracelets. Fortunately, it costs a penny, not sorry.

As you can see, Battambang is very cool to ride with children. Not scary at all, but, on the contrary, fun and interesting!

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