What are the interesting places worth visiting in Slim?


One of the main attractions of the city is Parish Church of the Virgin Star Seas (Parish Church of Stella Maris). This is one of the oldest temples of the city. It is believed that he has been almost 300 years old. Initially, there was another church at this place (Our Lady of Divine Grace), more ancient but smaller in size. When Slise's fishing village began to gradually turn into a spa town, the old church ceased to accommodate everyone. Then, in her place in 1855, a new one was erected, later it was expanded.

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During World War II, the church building was severely destructed. After the war, it was restored, partially rebuilt and renovated. In connection with this original type, it did not save. Inside the temple you can see several picturesque works.

Such an interesting name of the Virgin Mary of Star Seas appeared not by chance. So on Latin in the 9th century called the Most Holy Virgin Mary. It was pronounced Stella Maris. (Sea Star), thereby implying that Maria is a guide star for Christians, especially for sailors. Therefore, many coastal Catholic churches are named after the Virgin Mary of the Star Seas.

Actually, the Mother of God of the star of the sea is the holy patronage of the city of Sliema, and its symbol is depicted on the coat of arms of the city. The magnificent Festa on the honor of this holy is held at the third week of August.

The church is valid and considered the main Roman Catholic Church in Malta. Open for visitors from 6:45 to 19:15, and services are held from 7:00 to 18:30. The entrance is free.

Church of Carmelitov (or Virgin Mountain Carmel) With confidence, you can call the most beautiful church of Sluma. The temple is located almost on the very shore of Balwut Bay, as if opposite the bay, so it is clearly visible from the Embankment Tower Road. And in the waters of the bay, the waves brightly painted Maltese boats, with eyes on the nose of the boat. The main thing is not to raise your eyes on multi-storey buildings, so as not to spoil the paintings.

The carmelite church was constructed relatively recently, at the end of the 20th century and is a majestic structure in the style similar to the Gothic, with two bell tower. The entire facade of the temple is decorated with stucco, various bas-reliefs and sculptures.

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Inside the church somewhat gloomy and slightly "oppressate" the concrete arch of the building. Several asks the impression of a pretty ceiling trim by a local stone. However, in general, everything is very beautiful: columns, beautiful stained glass windows, frescoes.

Unfortunately, the initial building of the Church of the Virgin Mountain Carmel (XVIII century) was turned into ruins during World War II "efforts" of German bombers. At the end of the war, the church was decided to restore. However, everything was done for a very long time.

Malta is a Catholic country, there are so many believers in it. Therefore, in addition to those listed, there are several other churches and chapels in Slime. Absolutely all churches existing. Entrance is free, you can visit the service.

In principle, each of the churches is interesting in its own way, each has its own unique architecture and history of creation. But also, if you do not visit some of them, it is globally and not lost. Even for Malta, it is quite ordinary churches, but what are their beautiful names! Parish Church of Jesus from Nazareth (XIX century), Parish Church of the Virgin of the Holy Heart of Jesus (also XIX century), Parish Church of St. George, Church of St. Patrick, the Anglican Church of the Holy Trinity and the Chapel of the Virgin Mary of Divine Mercy.

Of particular interest are Fortification facilities Sluma.

The brightest of them - Saint Julian Watchtower (St. Julians Watch Tower). It was erected in the XVII century by order of the Grand Master of the Order of the Ioannitis of the Redin. This is one of many similar watchtowers built throughout the island. And if you travel a lot in the Maltese coast, please note that most of the guard towers are constructed by one project, as if "shot under the car".

Nowadays, not every resident of the Maltese Islands recalls those troubled times when they constantly had to protect their native city from enemies. But then the watchtowers were very relevant.

Well preserved Fort Tinny (Fort Tigne), built in the XVIII century. This powerful fortress has become the latter, which was built by knights of the order of John to protect Valletta from the side of the slim. In its intended purpose - a purely military construction for the defense of the city by the sea. The principle of construction is similar to the Fort of St. Elmo (in Valletta). At one time, the fortie stood 15 guns, which were directed to the bay of Marsachmet and kept it all under the sight.

After the capture of Malta by Napoleon, the French garrisons were located in Fort (but not long), and then the fortress was taken by the British. Currently, in the territory of Fortany, work on restoration, excursions, in my opinion, are not being held.

Fortitz Sliema (IL-Fortizza). This is the coastal battery also to protect from the sea. The strengthening was built in the XIX century of the British. According to its direct purpose, it is practically not used, just a beautiful fortification object. Currently, the Fortist building is generally re-equipped into a restaurant and pizzeria, stylized appropriately.

Walking along the promenade of Sluma, you can get to Fort Manoel (Fort Manoel). To do this, go to the bridge in the direction of Manoel Island. Now the fort can be inspected only outside, because there are restoration work. And before the Fort Manoel could not be bypass. In the XVIII century, all ships without exception, arriving in Malta, were necessarily a check on this small island for the availability of goods prohibited for import into the country. Such a kind of customs.

Opposite the factory island, Manoel is the Belvedere Terrace district. There, on the street of IX-Xatt (The Strand area), which stretches in parallel to the stenme embankment, you can see a whole group of old houses with typical of Malta painted beautiful balconies.

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Be sure to look old historical part of the slim This is a Rudolf Street area. There are many vintage mansions and villas. In particular, Villa Portelli (Villa Portelli) and Villa Algambra (Villa Algambra). Many houses have the official status of Malta's architectural heritage, therefore in this area is prohibited by modern high-rise buildings.

You can't go around attention Palace Capua (Palazzo Capua). His in the XIX century right on the Embankment Tower Road was built on the order of the richest Maltese noble family. This is a very luxurious Palazzo in neoclassical style. Currently, the Palace of Capua is used as a very expensive hotel. It is fairly regular in its premises, various pompous activities are organized, such as conferences, banquets, weddings.

There is another interesting construction in Slime, which should be mentioned. But rather not in the architectural sense, but purely in historical. At Cape Tigne in 1881, the British was built the first cleaner factory. However, after just one year, the plant building was for some reason converted into Typography.

In 2001, a serious reconstruction began in the region of the specified Cape. Old English barracks are already dismantled, the building of the same type intend to maintain and renovate. It is generally unfolded by an expensive commercial project called " Tigne Point ", Which also includes the reconstruction of the fortress (in the sense, Fortieni). At the end of work on Cape Tinny, it is assumed to organize a powerful and modern tourist zone.

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