Where to go to Sianville and what to see?


There are no special attractions in Sianville. But these places here can be visited:

Wat Leu (Wat Leu)

An exciting views of almost the entire city and magnificent sunset you can admire from a wooded hill, which stands this temple. It is 1.5 kilometers to the northwest of the city center.

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From the city, it is easy to get on a motorcycle or bicycle, or on a taxi motorcycle for $ 2. The most cunning drivers will be lucky on the long way along the hill and ask for this $ 5.

Raam National Park (Ream National Park)

Founded in 1995, the National Park is a great achievement. Thanks to the vigilance and stubborn work of local residents, it was possible to maintain most of the mangroves, wildlife and beaches in perfect condition.

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About 200 residents who had previously lived in these territories were not forcibly resettled (unlike reserves in Thailand, for example): they were allowed to stay and continue to engage in their usual affairs in their homes. However, the new residents are not allowed to build houses here. Thus, the administration is trying to preserve the ecosystem in a reasonable balance sheet.

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The Cambodian fleet has a base in this park, so sailors may appear here quite unexpectedly; Usually they arrive here solely for lunch. Well, the park itself is very picturesque: mangrove forests, waterfall on the slope of mountains, long beaches. There are almost 200 species of birds, including heron and cranes. Also here somewhere sink Cobra and Pythons, so be alert on pedestrian trails!

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In the city you will be offered plenty of excursions in this park, but in fact there is enough easy to get here on your own, for example, on a rented motorcycle. 35 forester live in the park, and some of them say in English. It is advisable to seek their services, especially since their excursion is inexpensive, no more than $ 2 per hour. They can spend you to Mount Meditation and Waterfall Keng Kong (not confused with King Kong). This is perhaps the most popular routes among visitors.

Another excellent option is to ride down the boat down the river of the Tuk Sap Sap River with Mangrove Thickets.

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It turns out cheaper, of course, sailing with a group of other tourists. Rent a boat for 1-5 people will cost $ 35, and for 6 or more people - only $ 6 from each. The river becomes salty in the dry season, as sea water flows around, and filled with fresh water from the ponds in the rainy season. During the navigation, you can, if you are lucky, see Flying Fish or even Dolphin is not uncommon.

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In the park it is almost impossible to find places where you could have a snack, so if you are planning a hike in the park, make sure that you have enough food and drink with you. By the way, in the park you can stay at night, though it is very very modest housing. Although some travelers like that they like that they are ready to live there at least weeks.

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By the way, you can watch the film "Un Barrage Contre Le Pacifique" ("Sea Wall" or in our rental "Dam against the Pacific Ocean"), with Isabelle Yupper.

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Where to go to Sianville and what to see? 13165_9

Cambodian director chose this particular park as a place of filming his film in 2008. Moreover, he long searched the place on the coast, where he could recreate Cambodia in the 1920s, when the French occupation was still in full swing. And he found this place on a long beach on the south side of the National Park.

And it is better to look at how to go there - it's interesting to learn the scenery of the film! One of the attractions that melted in the film "Chez Bart", a French-indoor restaurant, which was built specifically for the film - there were main characters there. Next, we go up the road and find building from a tree that served as a home for a family in the film.

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Where to go to Sianville and what to see? 13165_11

The house is surrounded by trees, near the beach, sea and a completely calm atmosphere. To get here, you should rent a motorcycle or car. If a taxi driver is lucky, then almost certainly he will not know what "Chez Bart" is, but he should definitely know how to get to Vata Rama, offering a luxurious view. Well, the restaurant is a short drive from there. If you get yourself, then from Sihanoukville we eat 20 kilometers along Route 4, to turn to the airport. After that, go straight on the coastal road another 10 kilometers until you see pointers to Wat Rai. Continue to go along the dirt road, and you will soon see the wooden facade "Chez Bart" on the right. To get to the house of the family, just keep going on the road to the bridge. You're at the place!

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Island Ko Rousse

Roussey is an island in an hour drive from Sihanoukville. And these are golden sands, lonely boats fishermen and vintage Russian guns, which are strategically located between the beaches.

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Roussey means in fact "Bamboo" in Khmer, so the island is often called the Bamboo Island. The former naval base, the remains of which are now open to visiting tourists, have long been destroyed. So today the island is almost uninhabited, and while it is very nice to relax and relax. So far, this is because the developers have already laid eyes on a paradise slice of sushi and are about to turn it into a noisy and loud business corner.

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Most tourists visit the island during the Tour of Three Islands (Kiev, Ko Charalla and, actually, to Russa) - and swim there for the most part for the sake of excellent snorkeling and delicious lunch in the fish restaurant. But these tours are with an unpredictable level of service and security, and there are many complaints.

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During the excursion, the boats stop on the side of the island, which is nearest to the mainland. A clear thing, the people are a lot, which disappoints a little.

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And if you come on your own, then follow the Ko Ru Resort - it is located on the secluded, sunny side of the island, which is ideal for loving sunset.

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In addition, the walk along the tracks between the beaches of the island is also very pleasant: the ways are running through the jungle filled with a stunning cricade crack. In my opinion, quite romantic!

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Although this island may not be as beautiful as before, there is still an amazing feeling of some isolation and tranquility, which is not enough in Sihanoukville. For those who have more time, you can advise the islands that are far away, there is much calmer. But those who are looking for a drip of peace on a pretty beach and does not want to drag too far, to Russa will become a good choice.

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