Rest in Lagos: Useful Tips for tourists


Lagos (or as it is also called Lagos), one of the most famous resorts of Portugal, and on my subjective look, to visit the western country of Europe and not to visit Lagos, it's just blasphemy. But that would be a visit to this wonderful place, it makes sense to know some nuances in advance about how locals live, as well as what can be done, but what is not recommended.

Lagos, one of the most famous resorts of Portugal, and on my subjective look, to visit the western country of Europe and not to visit Lagos, it is just blasphemy. But that would be a visit to this wonderful place, it makes sense to know some nuances in advance about how locals live, as well as what can be done, but what is not recommended.

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Those who have at least the basic knowledge of the English language, do not worry about communication problems. The area's resort status makes itself felt, and tourists from Misty Albion love to rest in Lagos, which also spurred local residents working in the field of service, to study the language of Shakespeare and Arthur Conan Doyle. By the way, a small nuance. Never say to the Portuguese that their language is similar to Spanish, or what is worse, that it is just a dealer of Spanish. It greatly insults the proud residents of this beautiful country.

In general, the residents of Lagos are very polite and friendly, the truth is one nuance that I was unpleasantly surprised. This is not punctuality. Well, it is not accepted from them to make their affairs and come to meetings at exactly the appointed time. So just accept it as a fact.

Very interesting situation in Lagos with tea. They are, unlike other European countries, are somehow not accepted, although if you like the service, you can leave them, but it is worth considering the fact that they will not go to a specific waiter or employee of the hotel, but will fall into the "Common Boiler ", Which is then divided into all employees of the institution. In the case of taxi drivers, you can also leave some amount of money, but this is not at all, the more should not be surprised when the taxi driver starts counting you.

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And since above, they spoke about restaurants and cafes, it makes sense to take into account one very important nuance. In many institutions of the city, it is customary before writing your order, serve a variety of snacks, but this is not a friendly gesture to your address, as it may seem initially. If you begin to try them, they will be included in your account, regardless of whether you want it or not. So it's better to just refuse, much more that their cost is high enough. In general, very good in local restaurants to order a meal for removal. In this case, the cost of dishes can decrease to 30 percent, which is very nice. As for the price range of restaurants, they are in Lagos on any wallet, from the simplest eaters, to fashionable restaurants. However, there is one clear pattern. The closer the restaurant or café to the historic center of the city, the higher in it prices, compared to the similar cafes on the outskirts.

Many tourists staying in Lagos are trying not only to walk around the city or stay constantly on the beach, but also chosen to country picnics. If you have such a desire, you will definitely specify the location of the nearby equipped room for a country rest, because in addition to such places, burning fires or the installation of the tent is strictly forbidden and punished very and very large fine.

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Approximately the same situation and garbage. A piece of paper or a fan, thrown past the urn, will be wrapped by a harsh fine. However, this should not scare you, since urns for garbage in Lagos is very and very much.

Clear in stores and restaurants can be plastic cards of international payment systems that have very wide walking here. However, minor purchases worth up to 10 euros are still better paid in cash. Fortunately, you can remove money almost everywhere. ATMs, like urn in the city set.

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But smokers in Lagos will have to be wore. Smoking is prohibited in many places. It is easier to list in which it is possible. These are specially equipped areas that can be found near large shopping or business centers, which can be identified by special pictograms and piles of smoking people. Yes, and buy cigarettes, by the way, not very simple. They sell vending machines facing trading complexes and large restaurants. However, even if you found this automatic, you still have to call the restaurant or complex employee, because the vending machine will still need to unlock. At the same time, if you look good, you will have to demonstrate your documents confirming your age.

And the last advice, but already exclusively for the excellent half of humanity. Dear women, if you plan to walk along Lagos, then stock pre-comfortable shoes. Most of the pedestrian routes in the city paved with a small tile, walking on which heels, albeit even small, very, very uncomfortable.

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