What should you expect from recreation in Siem Ripe?


Province of Siem Rip in the north-west of Cambodia is the most famous thanks to the ancient District Angkor, where incredible temple ruins are located, which is part of the World Heritage. In particular, we are talking about the magnificent temple complex Angkor Wat.

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Angkor, of course, one of the most amazing historical places on the globe, but in the province of Siem Reap there are also many other beautiful ruins, such as Beng Mealaa, Batati Site and the Holy Mountain of the Koulen. So, if you are greatly interested in the ancient ruins - then you should definitely visit the Siem Rip. By the way, Siem Rip is located on the north shore of Lake Tonleshap, Cambodian "Great Lake", or, as it is called, "Cambodian Inland Sea" is the same attraction! But, unfortunately, only a few tourists leave Angcard, although these areas are becoming all More accessible thanks to the improvements of Cambodia roads in recent years.

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The capital of the province of Siem Rip, actually, with a rip-transport node, so, hence it is quite simple to get to the Phnom Penh or Page (town on the north-west of the country, right on the border with Thailand) or by bus or boat to Battambang. But, nevertheless, more and more people are currently coming in Siem Reaping exclusively to visit famous temples, and even "scoring" to the rest of Cambodia.

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Siem Ripa International Airport Currently takes more tourists every day than the Cambodian capital is Phnom Penh. Mass tourism here worried about the last five years.

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What should you expect from recreation in Siem Ripe? 13098_5

Siem Rip - specifically a tourist city. If you were already in Phnompene, you will be surprised by this pleasant difference (the patonne is much more gloomy). You will not see a lot of Cambodians engaged in our daily affairs in Siem Ripe. Although outside the tourist area, everything is already more like "Real Cambodia".

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The city itself is three kilometers south of the Temple Park. Every year, two million tourists come to this small town to visit the neighboring Ruins Angkor. By the way, in this tourist center there are some incredible golf courses (I suppose, there are few fans of this sport), there are many international hotels such as Sofitel, Raffles, Aman and Le Meridien, airport with 36 international and internal directions - Sounds impressive, right? In general, attention to these ancient ruins will attract attention, they are trying to create the most comfortable conditions for visiting and staying, because, according to one French scientist, the traveler, this complex is "grand more than everything that we visited Greece and Rome." Can not argue with that!

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A chaotic growth of tourism in this area, however, does not always bring positive results. Some argue that everything happened too quickly, and this is not at all good facilities. But, despite some problems, Siem Rip flourishes and, apparently, will flourish and remain a welcome point for travelers in Southeast Asia for many years.

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The city itself is a place with several interesting sights, good shopping and hundreds of Gastroes and restaurants. In general, it can be noted that the city offers a full range of accommodation options, from hostels for $ 4-5 to expensive hotels for $ 3000 and above. As for shopping, the Old Market (Old Market) is souvenirs-souvenirs. And if you want to buy precious stones, hurry on the midnight market (Midnight Market), which is just a few blocks. Here you can find real beautiful souvenirs that are undoubtedly impressive of your loved ones!

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Most tourists seek to visit the ruins in the morning (and even cooler at dawn, at 5 am to watch how the sky brightened for temples - photographers will appreciate) and in the evening, returning to the city in the middle of the day, in order to wait for the heat and not spoil the impression. The easiest way to visit the ancient ruins is to hire a Tuk Tuk or a motorcycle - about $ 10-15. Although you can also inspect the temples by moving by bike (rent on average cost $ 2 per day), as well as by bus, car , helicopter and even balloon. As you can see, options and truth mass.

Returning to Siem Rip, tourists, as a rule, spend their time, lying in the hotel's rooms or sipping viniches for dinner in one of the urban stylish or not very stylish restaurants or bars.

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The most active shakes are shopping and even find time to get into the neighboring villages, which are also very picturesque. It seems that the new hotel is opened here every month, but it does not particularly affect the prices, with the exception of small changes over the past few years. In a low season, you can find very inexpensive hotels that are always nice. But in July and August tourists always in bulk, oddly enough (and, as we know, in the summer in Cambodia the low season).

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Another interesting point: Spa salons grow here as mushrooms. It is logical, because it still wants to go tornish tourist tired! Of course, on the bed to the masseur. Some of these spas can even be called "luxurious", but most of them are medium. Almost every hotel has a contract with a local spa, so if no strength is no longer, you can simply call the massage therapist in the room (while most of the high-level hotels have separate spa sites at the hotel).

What should you expect from recreation in Siem Ripe? 13098_12

Tourists point out that food and drinks are not the best here, and they say that they tried food much better in Battambang and Kampot (the city is such a TCC!). But do not get upset before - you will definitely find something like! In the evening, it's too good. You can go to the "Temple Club", where cheap drinks and free dance shows of different orientation every night. This is an excellent way to relax after a long day "Shatting" on the temples, well, at the same time you can join Khmer culture.

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Another nice plus is that the town is pretty clean. Again, comparing with the capital of the country where the garbage is thrown right outside, it is very pleasant and cleaned here. Right as not in Cambodia. Care!

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It can be recommended to come here for a few days, but not one. After all, even those who are not particularly interested in the ruins will still be impressed with the beauty of the town and surroundings and will want to stay for a couple of days - this is guaranteed.

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