Where is the best rest in Rovaniemi?


In Rovaniemi, the highest season is considered the new year and the Christmas holidays associated with it. Therefore, to book a hotel or a cottage for the period from 31.12 to 7.01 is almost unrealistic, as everything will be redeemed by Russian tour operators. You can choose to - buy a tour from a operator (which is much more expensive), or risk and take a trip on your own. There is a chance to book some cottage kilometers at 20-50 from Rovaniemi, or a room in a low-cost hotel like Landmark Travel. But these options should also take care in advance.

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If you still could not get into Rovaniemi for the new year, nor on Christmas holidays, do not despair! You can safely come after January 8 and have a great rest. In the end, the holidays need to arrange themselves. And even better to come immediately in March - the snow will be even in bulk, but it is no longer as cold as in January and February. And besides, the sun will already be shining.

The main accommodation option in Rovaniemi are hotels, cottages and motels. The choice, in which place is best to stop, always, of course, remains behind the tourist. The center has its own advantages - both restaurants and shops, and attractions at hand. In the event that you arrived in winter, without a car, and even with children, it is best to stop in the center. Live on the outskirts in a cottage or motel, of course more economical, but then a car is required, because spending money for trips to the city or by sights is still obliging, and public transport in Rovaniemi is rare, and before the cottage he is not Dove. Exceptions are only cottages located in the village of Santa. The advantage of cottages is, of course, silence and amazing nature around, and there, as a rule, there is a sauna and an excellent opportunity to prepare themselves. And this is a certain plus!

With children best, of course, stop in the cottage in the village of Santa. Then all the most interesting sights will be next to you.

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Losts, breakfasts and dinners in Rovaniemi restaurants are pretty pretty. Therefore, it is best to choose lunch in a buffet format. Lunchtime - from 11 to 13-15 hours. Prices for such dinners are kept in the region of 10 euros, and this is the same as for children, which for adults. In solid institutions, these prices will naturally be higher. It is necessary to consider that in the summer, many buffet restaurants do not offer at all. Alternatively, you can take lunch without a second dish, only salad, soup and drink. Then lunch will cost you even cheaper.

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