Where to go to Munich and what to see?


In Munich, in addition to the inspection of a large number of architectural monuments and attractions, it is necessary to visit the pools. In the city in various areas there are several large pools, it is Westbad, Sudabad, Michaelbad, Kosimabad, a swimming pool in Olympia Park, etc.

Each of them has its own characteristics and raisins. For example, the Westbad pool is designed, in greater wall, on children and amateurs. In it, in addition to the open, there is a large indoor pool with warm water and a rapid flow that creates the impression as if you are floating along the river.

Szabad attracts visitors with lower prices for entrance tickets and the opportunity to stay in the pool or relax in the park, in front of the pool throughout the day.

Kosimabad is known for its attraction with a wave. However, this is the smallest swimming pool and there is no underwater massage with water jets fed under high pressure.

In Michaelebad, a wide selection of pools depending on the desired water temperature. It has special individual pools for children of different ages and athletes.

The swimming pool in Olympiapark is distinguished by the fact that it is intended, mainly for those who come to the swimming pool to swim, stretch, and not just hide, stand up and jump in water, so the water temperature in it is lower, etc.

However, the unique delightful and most interesting will be visited by the thermal pool in Erding (Erding) - the suburb of Munich.

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To get to Erding on the metro lines scheme, you need to see how to get from the nearest public transport station (subway, bus, tram, suburban train) to S-Bahn Station Alten Erding - Alten Erding, from which intervals in a few minutes runs Flight bus - Express, which will deliver you straight to the entrance to the pool. To carry out this mini-travel, you can at any metro stop (U- Bahn) or suburban train (S-Bahn), in any machine or ticket for the sale of tickets for public transport, buy a combined ticket worth 29 euros, including how to pay for travel and entrance directly to the pool. This ticket allows you to use all types of public transport in Munich during the day, without taking into account the number of transfers and tariff zones, as well as it will serve as a passage to the pool in which you can freely move from one outdoor pool in a closed, take a hydrogen sulfide bath, descend down the pipe, etc. For 4 hours.

If you travel on your own car, then on the instructions of the navigator you will easily reach the pool, in front of which there is a huge batch for free car parking. The entrance fee will be 16 euros for an adult, with just 2 hours. At the same time, the pool cashier has a warning that the cost of 3 euros will increase the cost if you pay for a ticket credit card. Therefore, the cost of the combined ticket, although it may seem high at first glance, actually justifies it.

If you have no bathing supplies with you, it does not matter, because You can easily buy everything you need to buy in numerous kiosks, which are located in the lobby of the pool.

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At the entrance to the pool, each visitor is given a special key chain, fixed on the belt, dressed in hand. This keychain allows you to buy food drinks, food, use various payable services in the bass.

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When leaving, the cashier will take testimony from the keychain and you can pay for the services that took advantage. If you are the time of staying in the pool, even if you have to pay extra for these "extra" minutes, but as a complete additional hour, moreover, by a special, higher rate. Therefore, you should have cash to be able to pay. On cards, money can be obtained in ATMs located in the lobby of the pool.

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Based on my own experience, I will say that even 2 hours is quite enough for the first visit, because Such a long stay in highly mineralized water brings fatigue, which may not immediately, but in a few hours a lot of fools. On the other hand, the special composition of thermal water will very positively affect the state of the joints and even posture. Freshness will come to the change of evening fatigue and drowsiness in the morning and the desire to bring to the pool.

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