What should you expect from rest in Lloret de Mare?


Spain!!! Why after the name of this country I put 3 exclamation mark? Yes, because you can put a hundred, it will still be a little!

Yesterday we flew from this country. Rested in Lloret de Mar 14 magic, unforgettable days and nights. I want to tell about our holiday, I think our experience will be useful to someone.

Immediately note the only largest minus of our holiday is the car rental. Almost all countries where we were, a car was rented. The exception was Egypt and Cyprus. In Egypt, it simply does not have such a thing as traffic rules. And on the island of Cyprus - everyone goes on the opposite, the movement of the left-sided, unusual Muscovite. In Spain, everything is OK. Before the trip, road maps, navigator in Spain, shorter, prepared on the full program. During the transfer from Barcelona to Lloret de Mar felt some discomfort of Spanish roads. The first - the roads are mostly paid. But it's not about this, not in Mania. Stripes are unusual narrow.

What should you expect from rest in Lloret de Mare? 13014_1

If the bus goes, then it moves wheels on the markup. However, they did not retreat from their rules. In Lloret, as I understood, only one rental point is Olympia, located in the center of the Old Town, next to the bus station.

Even the order of the car is not comfortable here. If in other countries, let's say, in Greece, on the island of Rhodes, many places where you can take a car, comparing prices and rental conditions, then here only "Olympia". In the morning they called, watches in 9, they said that they would drive up for a couple of hours. We decided to take the car while for one day. Agreed on Skoda Fabi, 75E, 14E insurance. Around 11 drove up, taken to the rental point, about an hour decorated the documents, waited for the car. It turned out that they took the start at 12.30. We decided to take a walk along the nearest towns, shopping, attractions ... He went to Blanz, 20 kilometers from Lloret ... We arrived ... It is simply impossible to stay. All parking lots paid, figures from the euro, two per hour, there are simply no places !!! No place even with a violation, just at the sidewalk !!! We traveled the entire city of Bleason, from the center to the outskirts, finally, on the embankment, the car was drunk, freed 5 meters of parking land. Through the parking lot that standing 50 meters was paid one hour of parking, the wife and son went shopping. I stayed and did right. After 10 minutes, the police arrived. Showing a park check, it turns out this parking lot of another parking, not with yellow markup, but with blue. Such a violation is estimated at 150-200 euros. Explained to the local police, the matter is painful, but extremely grateful !!! I say the city of residence - Moscow, and a miracle, the police are becoming my best friends! Not realizing a word, we are talking loudly for about 10 minutes. Society is suitable with son, frightened faces. Son knows English well. As explained with the police, saying goodbye fun, the son explains that we can even stand here at least a day.

We did not abuse the Blonde hospitality, but simply went to our hotel, called "Olympia" and handed over the car. Yes, also, we drove about 50 kilometers, you need to replenish gasoline. They drove along the way on 2 refills, as refueling, did not understand. We refumed in the center of Lloret, near the central supermarket Coprabo. Yes, and then the cashier helped.

In short, the description of the biggest minus, delayed. More about renting the car did not think, was enough with more than ...

Now a little about Catalonia. This is the historical region of Spain, which gives the country's budget about 50% of the country's total income, but it gets very little back. It is known that Catalonia is waiting for a referendum on the issue of separation from Spain. In the results of the referendum, cease to doubt, seeing windows and balconies of residential buildings. Everywhere only symbolism of Catalonia. In Barcelona, ​​Geron, other cities and towns - not a single flag of Spain, only the yellow-black lanes of the province flag. Machines and motorcycles with symbols of the province - just everywhere.

What should you expect from rest in Lloret de Mare? 13014_2

Yes, and is called the province not at all Catalonia, but Cataluna. All guides are doing accent.

The town where we rested, divided by the mountain to the old and new city. All nightlife boils in the old town, the night sky dissect the searchlights, the flashes of fireworks are visible. Youth, which goes for noisy nightlife - only there. The new city is much calmer. For the o'clock in the night here everything subsides. Rare machines and motorcycles break the calm noise of the surf. We lived at the hotel "Surf De Mar". All rooms have a side view of the sea. From our room to the line of the surf 150 meters, the smell of the sea, his voice is just gorgeous.

The city of Lloret is a purely tourist area, there is everything for a full rest. Moreover, indeed, on any, even a little bit filled with a wallet. There are hotels near the sea, like our, and very remote, these for young feet. 5 ***** and just hostels. Dear boutiques with elite clothing, and shops whose hosts are Hindus and the Chinese, where you can bargain to breathtomasses. Cool restaurants and simple pizzerias. But everywhere you are waiting for the most expensive guests. Dear, not in the sense of the volume of your pocket, the prices here are not higher than Moscow. But the catalunsk hospitality is really expensive.

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