Tbilisi Gastronomic Walk


His girlfriend who first flew in Tbilisi, I met for not too joyful about - she died uncle, and Pope girlfriend, brother of the deceased, could not come to the funeral due to illness, so I had to come to this sad event instead of the Father .

The dead was betrayed by the earth, and the Sveta had one day before departure back to Moscow. Decided to dedicate to Tbilisi walking this time. The monuments of ancient culture in the city - mass, but all this can be viewed on the Internet, in photos. But we need to try gastronomic delights of Georgia personally, no photos or descriptions will be able to transfer the charm of all the deceptions of Georgian cuisine.

Only Tbilisi is probably unique in that trees and plants grow on each street, whose fruits in Moscow can not always try and only in expensive restaurants. Peaches and apricots, unfortunately, have already finished their season, but figs, or the fig tree, was just fucked by mature fruits.

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And even in every literally, a cherry grows, a mulberry, nut! Try and eat how much you want, no one will be against.

At every step in Tbilisi - a huge number of large and small bakeries. Cupcakes are all the freshest, unusually tasty. Georgians adore sweet, so yesterday's cakes you can not buy - it is bought out everything instantly.

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And cakes, cakes! Right on your eyes grows from biscuits and cream culinary miracle. You can order a cake of any size with fresh berries and fruits (for season) and after two or three hours it is already happy to eat.

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Tbilisi is also a city of large and small bazaars. Of course, the primary foreigners prefer supermarkets, but much cheaper everything can be bought on any bazaar, moreover, sellers are happy with pleasure and significantly throw the price. Not only will you save money, and even get a great pleasure from communicating with friendly people in the process of purchase.

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How so, we in Tbilisi, and do not eat Hinki? We went to my girlfriend, who has a little quinkal, and personally traced, as we were preparing these Pelmeni Pelleys.

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It is naturally embraced, using two forty quinkalin for two, we decided to just wander and there is nothing more before the evening, otherwise I burst!

And here is another bazaar, and Ramaz, a friend of my husband, desperately waves to me, calling out in his store. "Tell your husband - cliking broke!" - He joyfully reports to me. Cliking is the name of the famous Georgian snack, it is prepared from acacia colors, getting into barrels. Photographed barrel from which the smell sharp and exciting appetite came, we still bought a package of this yummy. We will eat in the evening under the wine that Ramaz gave my girlfriend, we decided.

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... And yet you need to go somewhere, touch the ancient Georgian shrines! We went to Jvari. This is one of the oldest Orthodox monasteries in the world, his old building is almost destroyed, but we neatly sneak into the wall and took a picture there. It was quite possible, I thought, it was from this wall at the window Tamara visited her beloved Tariela ...

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