The arrogant lady dresses an elegantous hat, or a walk through the night vein.


The famous and unwriting Vienna met us with a nonlaskaya september breeze and cloudy weather. By hiding from the drizzling at the hotel, we decided to wait bad weather there - the forecast promised that the rain and the wind would stop.

And here we are on the street Night Vienna. What a sharp contrast with the daytime city! Vienna is a city of palaces, fountains and monuments, and the day all these unique cultural monuments look at tourists arrogantly and with a grin - did you come to see us? Well, we will make you a great favor, look! In the evening, when the backlight is lit literally at every little statue, marble warms and seem to come to life.

The arrogant lady dresses an elegantous hat, or a walk through the night vein. 12983_1

It is unthinkable, but in Vienna, an old style with modern lifestyle is perfectly rolled. Modern plasma looks completely organically against the building in the "Ampire" style.

The arrogant lady dresses an elegantous hat, or a walk through the night vein. 12983_2

It seems that Vienna never falls asleep! To visit Vienna and do not drink coffee in a street restaurant - I was ashamed, we decided. The streets of Vienna in the evening and at night are completely forced by the tables, and no free space!

The arrogant lady dresses an elegantous hat, or a walk through the night vein. 12983_3

And what is amazing - everywhere purely, not the fact that a piece of paper or a fantastics - you can't find a vertebly in the most lively place. Magic, and only ...

... here is the dawn, the gray sky, the rain crushed again. The old woman of Vienna removed the elegant hat, dressed a gray strict cap and frowned again. But we have seen her true, kind and rejoicing to guests face!

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