Where is the best stay in Guayaquil?


We lived for about a month in Guayaquil in October 2013. After the cold suburbs of course we were very happy. We were lucky, we are in advance booked hotel For a week. I advise you to make the same thing. Choose Hotel Dear , not less than 100 dollars per day. He must be near the park Iguan. This is in the heart of the city. If you decide to relax in a more economical hotel, it will simply imagine the rest of the rest from the first minutes in a new country, and then every day you will remember my words and scold yourself for such a stupid economy. These are not empty words. In fact, Guayaquil is a very specific city. It differs from all other cities of Ecuador. We could not find the coast, but it was not necessary for us. But it was very comfortable to observe the Iguanas, which, like sausages, warm on an active equatorial sun, lying on pebbles. In the evening they are not visible, they are hiding in the high branches of trees, they take there with huge claws on the paws. They are not visible in the evenings themselves, but they are clearly allocated among the boughs of their long-life tails that hang down the trees.

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This hotel also has a full-fledged breakfast and restaurant is not bad, breakfast buffet. And believe it is better to pay for the hotel with a safe, a huge bed, a laundry and breakfast 100 dollars a day, than spend $ 50 for a flavor, 20 dollars for washing in a regular laundry, 50 dollars in the "Restaurant - Kushetnik", and what would you do in such "The hotel" also robbed to panties.

Cheaper of course to live on the outskirts, there you can find Hotel-Klopovnik Or a hostel for $ 20 per night. But think about whether such experiments should do, because you can easily spend a normal rest in a normal hotel for the same money. We have never regretted that they have invested so much money per week. According to estimates, we still saved on many things, such as food and did not have to carry money and equipment everywhere.

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For rest with children The same hotel advise, the more expensive, the better your impression of Guayaquil will be.

Eaten You can easily, in the morning, in the hotel, a buffet, where many fruits that you yourself impose. Just coffee with milk and without, tea, juice, omelet with ham - very tasty, do not forget to try the delicious Indian cheese, it is two species there, one is more creamy, it is lighter in color, the second yellow and more salty. I liked both. It brought us saturation almost for the whole day, in the evening we went to the nearest store to buy cheese, there were also bought a knife. In general, the general advice for any new country - do not eat a lot of new dishes at once, it may not be very good to reflect on the work of your stomach and intestines. It is better to take care in advance about pills purchased at home, from diarrhea and other disorders.

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