Rest in Cusco: Tips and recommendations


You should bring the knowledge of the ability to speak and understand in Spanish to a free style. If you suddenly come to mind to speak English, it will be deemed for a disrespectful mark and will reach you a price several times. If your budget is not limited in any way, you can safely go without knowing the language. Only in this case will the financial problem arise, but social misunderstanding. You will feel outlaughter and you will not like holidays in Cusco, because all local population speaks exclusively in Spanish.

Even if you are understood, they will prevent you that you do not hear you. Because Peruvians adore their country and especially love Cusco, for his sights. They honor their traditions and will not speak English, even if, without problems, you will be understood. Take at least a dictionary or translator to download. True, he did not help us at the beginning. In fact, language learns quickly and easily. The main thing is not to be silent like me. Speak more and you will understand everything like my spouse. In our family so established that when a man says, a woman cannot interrupt him. Therefore, I always keep silent and in the end I don't know how to speak Spanish at all, although we went to school together and I understand, I'm good whatever I hear around. But I am afraid I'm afraid, I am worried that I will make meat and look ridiculous and ridiculous in the eyes of the listener. You do not repeat after me, it is better to do how my man - all try to speak and does not matter, Spanish you teach or some other language. Why do you have practitioners, the better will be clearer your pronunciation. Now the husband speaks Spanish freely, as in his native language. In English, it is possible only to listen to sightseeing material, and then before it happens, you will need to persuade the guide and other tourists for a long time that the excursion would be conducted in two languages ​​at the same time - English and Spanish. It is not a fact that everything will be so easy to agree.

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Tips to give, in no case, do not need, especially if the service personnel hints or frankly requires them. Never pay any remuneration in Cusco or any other country of Latin America. You regret this twenty time, because after the first received bonus, the athlets will begin to run up to you every minute and ask yet. The same applies to beggars - lovely Babul Indians. Never give them a penny, otherwise then this cute grandmother will lead to a crowd of unclear homeless - Indians who will pursue you everywhere with sad face and twist money or food. As you probably understood, relax and relax you will not give you. So Peru is not a country.

In the Internet, you can go out in many hotels. If this is fundamentally important for you, as for us, for example, your work is connected with the Internet, it is better to find a hotel in advance and reserve myself on the Internet, be sure to make sure that the hotel has internet access. In general, if it is not possible to find such a hotel in advance and book a room, you can try to do it when you arrive. But I say right away that it will be quite difficult. Better in advance.

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If still, it is not possible to enter the Internet at the hotel, then try to do it in the Internet cafe. Look for them if you have time. I will say right away until we were in Cusco, we had no time to even sit in the room. This city is uncomfortable and there are quite a lot of entertainment moments for tourists, so you hardly want to sniff in the hotel room or spend time looking for an Internet cafe when around how interesting.

SIM card you can buy two different telephone companies - Muvistar and Clara. The first company is better catches the connection and money on the balance is consumed much more economical. I advise you to try it. By the way and in the Internet you can get out of this SIM card. The company Clare is good because the majority of the population is, it is cheaper and easier in circulation. But it was her who we used when they just drove into Peru and money was flying to her with a huge speed. You can buy two SIM cards of different providers and look at them in action, then email me in the comments, which network you liked more.

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Regarding theft in hotels and on vacation. In hotels, we did not robbed us, for all time since the beginning of our journey in different countries. But on the first day, in Peru we had all the luggage. Let's just say if you behave defiantly and delighted yourself with gold from your head to toe, then do not doubt that you can lead to cowards. I generally advise everyone if you are traveling on a journey or on vacation, then remove all the decorations. My husband and I left only wedding rings. But we ordered them from platinum, their value is not in the metal, but in engraving, which we know only together. Here is the right decoration in the journey, let it be not your most expensive cash, but the most valuable for peace of mind.

There is no beach in Cusco, but there are several parks with catacombs and a giant statue of snow-white Jesus at the highest point of the city. In general, Peru do not belong to Russian people with great love, but it is in Cusco patiently take tourists from different countries, including from Germany and Russia.

The lonely girl threatens nothing if she is going to behave decently and does not drast on the night bars restaurants. If you do not look for adventures on your ass, then no one will do anything to you. Girls make no sense to search in Peru Bridegroom, men in this country just do not like. Although in general in South America, other ideas about female beauty, and most likely a girl with Slavic appearance will be not interested in Peruvian. But about it more in another topic.

It is not worth shaking jewels or money, try to bring the local population to conflict. Peruvians will not, as accepted in Russia, for a long time and emotionally to talk about that - about this. Most likely you will simply break the nose, it most often happens with drunk inadequate tourists. You do not need to behave like in my homeland, it is South America and everything is different here. If you are a conflict and hot-tempered person, then you better not ride in Latin America. Because in any situation, if you are injured or dissatisfied with your behavior, you will blame. No exceptions.

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