Why is it worth going to Heviz?


Why heviz?

First, this is a very popular resort town in the west of Hungary. Located in a picturesque area, in 10 kilometers from Balaton, the largest lake in Europe. The resort is almost equidistant from two European capitals - the distance from Vienna and Budapest is almost 200 kilometers. Heviz is a very small, compact and cozy town, more suitable for family holidays. But at the same time has a large number of hotels, apartments and cafes with restaurants.

The only goal that people who come to Heviz are persecuted - A visit to the thermal healing lake wearing the name of the same name. In fact, it is a lake - a real pearl of heviz.

Why is it worth going to Heviz? 12940_1

The Heviza Lake is the world's largest natural thermal active lake of volcanic origin. He really does not have equal in the world both in size and therapeutic properties. Such a lake is similar to Heviz (in the Crater of the Ebeko Volcano), but it is similar only in size, but absolutely not suitable for swimming in it, since water has a high temperature - 50-55 ° C.

Another difference between Lake Heviz from such reservoirs is the bottom. It is completely covered by peat ilic mud. It is, of course, it is not very pleasant to come there with legs, but on the other hand, the bathhouse is constructed in such a way that almost excludes your contact with the cliff.

The lake with water of healing exposure feeds sources rich in minerals. These sources have a very big, how to correctly express, "aquality". Well said. Due to this, the full water exchange of the lake occurs in just three days!

Most of the territory of the lake shameless - from 1.5 to 2 meters. Near the coast at all you can stand on your feet on the bottom, tearing with them in IL. This is a pleasure to an amateur. The deepest point of the lake is 38 meters. In the bathhouse them. Festetich even installed a layout of the bottom of the lake. Interesting.

Haviza medical lake is located on the outskirts of the city. The lake on all sides is surrounded by forest and forest stations, which are protected from dust and wind, and continuous evaporation of water naturally filters air, and also prevents water cooling. Also prevents the cooling and numerous plants on the surface of the lake.

Thanks to this, visitors to the bathing complex are provided with the possibility of a comfortable stay surrounded by an atmosphere with low dust and allergens, which allows you to attend Heviza lake even allergic.

Why is it worth going to Heviz? 12940_2

The temperature of the lake water heated by geothermal energy in the winter months does not fall below 22 ° C, in the summer it reaches 35-38 ° C. Therefore, you can swim in the lake and take water procedures in winter. What is interesting, this temperature of the water does not have a fatal impact, even on the contrary, refreshes and soothes swimming.

A constant flow of water in the lake seems to be imperceptible, but the constant light massage of the whole body. The body surface is also covered with fine gas bubbles. And smooth particles of Ilova dirt nicely "excite" the skin of bathing. The view of the striking lotuses additionally soothes the nervous system, which also has a positive effect.

By the way, about Lotos . Initially, on the lake there were only white pitchers, but now they "ousted" from the lake, but still remained in the taps. Personally, I did not even see them. In Heviz, other varieties are dominant. Pink and lilac suits that were taken here at the beginning of the twentieth century. In fact, in Heviz, they tried to grow different varieties of lotuses, but only these were stuck. Squints on the lake are strictly protected. They are forbidden to touch, and even more so to tear the flowers! But once it is impossible to touch, then you can carefully swim and sniff, and they smell tasty.

Why is it worth going to Heviz? 12940_3

Therapeutic water of the Lake Heviz provides comprehensive therapy. The constant movement of water is multidirectionally, which improves blood circulation in the body. Under the action of trace elements, the skin is cleaned and becomes gentle and velvety.

Minerals that are part of the water of the lake contribute to the treatment of different diseases. For example, the effects of radon "forces" the adrenal gland intensively produce hormones, helping the body with natural way to reduce pain and remove inflammation, and the thyroid gland - costh formation hormones. Due to this, in the case of the diseases of the joints, it is possible to improve their state with the help of its own hormones, without resorting to medication intervention. And for one-time or two-week medical course, the biorhythm of the body is even normalized. By the way, radon content in the lake is not harmful - it is only one thousandth share of the permissible daily dose of radiation.

The composition of the water sulfur serves as a natural medicine in the case of rheumatic diseases of the musculoskeletal system, and in patients with diabetes mellitus makes it much reduced skin itching. It is impossible to overestimate the role of the prophylactic treatment of joint diseases in the waters of Lake Heviz, as well as the rehabilitation of patients after operations. Medical readings of therapeutic courses offered in the Khuzis Lake Complex cover a wide range of illness of the musculoskeletal system, the list is very long.

Therapeutic water of the lake favorably affects estrogen level in the body, due to which it can be effective in the treatment of chronic gynecological diseases.

Comfortable water temperature (as they say, "inert") allows you to be in it for a long time. Regarding, of course. But not more than 20-30 minutes. Breaks between swimming should be at least half an hour, and the total time staying in water should not exceed an hour and a half per day.

In addition to the above, in the case of enterocolitis, chronic gastritis, insufficient acidity of the stomach and just digestion disorders, it is recommended to drink therapeutic water within a special course of drinking treatment. For this purpose, specialists are working on the territory of the complex and the bulwery is open.

In general, it is worth noting that the course of treatment, passed in the bathhouse named after N.Festetich Heviza, provides not only instant improvement, but for several months prevents the renewal of pain. Verified in practice!

There are some Contraindications which you need to know. Water Lake Heviz is not recommended in case of infectious diseases, asthma, malignant tumors, high pressure (hypertension), circulatory disorders, thromboms, heart failure and other other diseases of the blood-forming organs. It is also not recommended to swim in the lake for pregnant women.

Therapeutic mineral waters of this magic lake, thanks to their favorable properties, are excellent not only for the treatment and prevention, but also a complete rest and relaxation. What is extremely necessary in our time for the man tired of the working days.

In 2002, Lake Heviz was asked for the status of the World Heritage Site. And in 2004, the Special Hungarian State Commission approved the Heviza Lake in the category "Cultural and Natural Object" in the list as "a candidate for obtaining the status of the UNESCO World Heritage Site."

Now in front of the Hungarian society is the task to meet the requirements recorded in the UNESCO Convention and get this status.

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