Where to stay cheap in Cusco?


In terms of selection and searches for cheap hotels in Cusco, everything is not easy. We were looking for all evening, and they did not find the amount for us. Right on the central square next to the cathedral at all some unreal gold rates, given that 1 Peruvian salt is 13.5 Russian rubles. That is, it is unlikely to be able to eat such scary figures in my head. We were able to complete shock. But still, I found a normal hotel with internet, hot water and separate toilet with shower.

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On the last day of stay in our hotel it turned out that it was Bardell. Moreover, intimate services provided the hotel's owner. Every evening the longest queue from thirsty cavaliers was built into our hotel. I was disgusting, but this is her choice. And since she decided to live such a life - this is her life and she is so comfortable.

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From the services, we were provided with a daily breakfast, which included 4 buns for two, butter and jam, as well as various herbal tea and dried koki leaves. Yes Yes! This is the most about what you thought. The most real Coca, which you pour boiling water and drink. I will tell you my subjective opinion, to use it It is impossible and not necessary , The reason for this is simple - this is a psychotropic agent that the Indians at all times used that it would be easier to move the height. Yes, the height really presses on the body. Well, what did you expect? It is still a height of 4 thousand above the ground as - in no way! In any pharmacy you can buy normal medicines, dear, but they will help and at the same time will not put pressure on the psyche. For me, while I drank clouds from Coki's leaves, there were four nervous breakdowns and two panic attacks. The husband also experienced all this. It is better to replace such a free pleasure of paid candy with the addition of coca or medicine at the pharmacy, and you will need to clarify that you will then behave the car, whatever they slip the same coca in tablets.

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With a small child, it is better to choose the most expensive hotel with the best service. Because all the other hotels as our can be Bardell at best. Yes, and on an expensive hotel more chances that you will have high-quality cleaning in your room. Indians people depressive and negative, and in Peru also greedy. Get ready for great costs. Young people will sleep normally and in such a place, as we chose. For a young couple, it is important that? Fall at night 4 hours and run on excursions. So, if you are the same as my husband, then you will be fine in a cheap hotel.

You will not be able to choose from meals in a cheap hotel, and in the road most likely by the way too. But I will not say exactly, not all the hotels we came. You can try to search. In general, breakfast on the territory of all Peru classic traditional - bun, butter, jam, tea. Coffee if they give it always without milk. I do not know how they drink this naughty black live without additives, I do not like that, so I drank tea and herbal infusions.

If you still have been lucky and the hotel has the opportunity to choose food, then take something familiar and simple, such as omelet, potatoes and meat. You do not need to take fish. I do not use meat at all, but what was brought to me in expensive restaurants as a fish was not suitable for me. You can take a chance if you have a sturdy bowel and nerves.

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