Youngest knows, and old age will help! Impressions from the city of Rzeszow.


Parcarpathia in Poland, the field of entering this country is becoming more interesting for tourists who make firing in Europe and thirsting new impressions. Poland is now quite violently developing, in the country the mass of young people seeks new knowledge, while not forgetting national traditions. A vivid example of this is the town of Rzeszow on the banks of the river Distolok.

Youngest knows, and old age will help! Impressions from the city of Rzeszow. 12902_1

This town is small, but very ancient - the first mentions in the written sources of the time about Zezube can be found in the documents of the first fourteenth century. The city was not very lucky for his centuries-old history, he survived and takeoff, and the fall in economic terms, during the seventeenth century wars, raging in Europe, risses repeatedly destroyed and looted. At the end of the eighteenth century, the city was part of Austria and was returned to Poland only in 1918.

In Resheva, the first thing that is felt at every step at the very bottom moment, when you cross the city trait - extraordinary recovery, life in Rusheva hits the key around the clock! Indeed, in the city there are several largest universities in Poland, in Rzeshva studying a total of more than 60,000 students. Through the old, the crowds of young people constantly smash the streets of the streets. Every year the theater, cinema and pop festivals are held in Rzezub. Sports events go one after another. Everything passes fun, interesting, colorfully, and tourists are pleased to take part in these youth partyings.

The most crowded, colorful and interesting street for visitors Street - Panskaya. It is a huge number of restaurants and shops that are located in ancient or decorated buildings. Eyes run out, not having time to look at truly unique cultural monuments.

Youngest knows, and old age will help! Impressions from the city of Rzeszow. 12902_2

On Panskaya Street, it is possible not in a hurry to get to Jeszow Castle. Until recently, a city court was located in the castle, and finally there was a huge museum with many interesting exhibits.

Under the market square, the most large in the city, the unique tourist route is held - a trip to the dungeons and corridors, old basements and wine cellars. More than 400 meters are walking, as if immersing in the distant past of the city, looking at the ancient relics and masterfully restored situation of those times.

The city of Rzeszow is unique in a harmonious combination of lovingly preserved cultural monuments and beating through the edge of fun and the activity of the young population. The "young tribe" is actively learning, with greed absorbs knowledge accumulated by centuries, having fun, lives full of life, but at the same time the young generation of Resheva takes care of the past of his city and gladly shows it to everyone.

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