Ideas for an independent excursion route in the Cassandra peninsula.


Cassandra peninsula closest to thessalonikov is the edge of beautiful landscapes, cozy restaurants with a variety of excellent kitchens and entertainment for every taste. The excursion program is better to organize here independently, renting a car to move around this amazing edge and attend the most interesting sights and the best gastronomic facilities on the individual route. Recommendations for its preparation can be given as follows.

On the west coast of the peninsula, stop at Nea Ghonde, where the wine-making house of Kazakis is a family-owned enterprise, a famous and as "Marianna's dolma." Here you can buy homework, canned grape leaves, traditional pies, smoked eggplants, marmalade, olives and traditional Greek jam.

The second stop is a petrolone cave, opened in the middle of the last century. A perfectly preserved skeleton of primitive person was found in the cave. These are the most ancient human remains of those that have so far been found in Greece. Following the route of 400 meters long, you can admire the cave on the magical world of stalactites and stalagmites.

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Continuing the path to Nea Potide with her famous Canal, you will meet the Fish Tavern "Marina", where the freshest fish is served, mollusks, a variety of fish snacks (octopuses in the onion sauce, Mussels for a couple, etc.), and Marina's corporate dish It is a MalaroDade with a lobster or shrimp. Directly opposite the tavern is famous for its design Bar Bayamo, serving excellent refreshing cocktails.

The next stop is Sani Resort's resort town, famous for its hotel Sani Resort, as well as Domat Restaurant, working under the chef of Chrysanf Karamolangos, - one of the 25 best restaurants in Europe, according to the surveyors of the Gastronomic Association. The Sani Hotel has both Fish Tavern "Alexis", which received the title of the best tavern on Chalkidiki.

For Sani, on the way to Siviri, there are small secluded beaches, which can be reached only on foot. By car you can drive up to the beach of juse with green pines covered by the hills on the right and with a good Beach Bar Helona on the left.

Then the path lies with the calender, the traditional village with beautiful houses, famous for all Greece with its smoked sausages. After the calendar, be descended to the cape of sitting with a 14.5-meter beacon, built in 1864 by the French company. A little south, if you follow the seaside highway, the villages of Mol Kaliva and Nea Skioni are located, as well as the famous Loutra - waterproof on thermal sources.

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The next stop is the beautiful Fourka, where in Anassa By The Sea's restaurant you will be offered exclusively delicious food and fresh fish.

The first village, which is found on the east coast of the peninsula after Nea Potide - Nea Fawa. On the right on the embankment, the tower of the Svyatogorsk Skitt of St. Paul. Climb up the beautiful rustic square, where there is a good snack "Massali", serving snacks of its "creative" kitchen: Honey Pancaket with a puree from eggplant and octopus grilled with a lentil salad.

Continue the trip to the most beautiful village of Cassandra Atitos with cobbled streets and stone cloth houses. There are many cafeterias in the village, souvenir shops and a picturesque area. On the way you will meet excellent beaches, for example, VUTUTUNAS, as well as the ruins of the Doric Temple of Zeus Ammon. The next village is Califa, the "capitals" of night entertainment, with major nightclubs, such as Angels and Pearl. After the singers, turn to the left, to stop at the beach of the headcase, admire the sunset.

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By the way, there are more than 100 churches and chapels on the Kassandra peninsula. Of particular interest is the latest church of St. Dimitria in Afitos and Russian Type of the Church of St. Panteleimon in Calliphea. Following the proposed route, you can also visit them.

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