Bali Bali Entertainment


Club and beach holidays, exciting surfing lessons and excursions on numerous temples - all this will be able to enjoy travelers who were on the green Indonesian island with sandy beaches. We are talking about popular among Russian tourists Resort Bali. Entertainment on this island are a variety of. Vacationers of all ages will certainly find for themselves the ideal version of the pastime, which will leave indelible impressions.

I also want to talk about an unusual entertainment for exotic islands - Horse riding . True, at Bali recently, the popularity of hippotherapy has been very increased. The number of people who want to ride horses rapidly approaching the number of drunk first to get up on the surfboard.

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What is unusual in riding horses and is it worth spending money on it, at first sight, stereotypical entertainment? As for me, it is worth it. The local horse riding is incomparable with rope in the city park of your hometown. It is worth only once to ride on endless beaches of the island or admire the sunset, sitting on a noble animal and you want to repeat it even.

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Personally, I was overwhelmed with emotions across the edge when I first rolled a small stream while walking around the island.

Horse entertainment, among other things, has a low price. Usually two-hour riding walk costs 50-60 dollars for adults. Slightly cheaper (by 5-10 dollars) it will cost a children's riding a pony. Accompanies all walks an experienced instructor, who in certain moments also acts as a guide. It is amazing that even the feeling of fear leaves, as soon as you wish the horse on the horse. Probably it happens because local horses are very accurate. By the way, they are all well maintained and beautiful. Children at horse centers of Bali are offered to ride on funny pony.

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Little tourists usually squeeze from delight while walking along the water edge along the beach.

Riding centers are available in different parts of the island. Many of them offer walks not only along the beaches, but also to rice fields.

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A good equestrian center Tarukan can be found in Kanga.

Horse entertainment has a number of nuances. First, on horseback walk you best put on trousers and comfortable shoes. Secondly, for equestrian pastime it is worth grabping sunscreen. Thirdly, the weight of the rider should not exceed 90 kilograms.

Here, perhaps, all. Now you have only live to see beautiful horses walking along the beaches of Bali Island. And the solution to sit on them with riding or not, it will sore you by itself.

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