Features of rest in Ureki


The resort zone of Ureki makes a large number of tourists from which there are already many Russians. By itself, Ureki is a village, located half an hour from Batumi and a half hours from Kutaisi. Here, from the middle of the last century, by order of V. Stalin began to develop the tourist zone for the reason that the beach, that is, the whole coastline, is lined with sand in black, which possesses therapeutic properties. The sand is magnetic and contributes to a good effect on the body, namely, the musculoskeletal system, nervous, and also good for those who suffer from infertility. These properties have learned randomly. Previously, prisoners worked on the territory of Ureki, many of which were heard from a number of diseases. So learned about the properties of sand. Later here was the institute, which studied these healing properties. Ureki became popular thanks to the black sand.

On the territory of Ureki still works by the Sanatorium "Kolkhida". In it, among the number of offered health services, there are healing baths in magnetic sand. The cost of staying in the sanatorium with treatment during the July-August season is $ 250 per person, in September, that is, by the end of the season, the price is below - 110 dollars.

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In the most peak months of the summer, if you want to relax your family with children, I do not advise you to go. Big activity falls in mid-July to mid-August. A lot of holidaymakers who overflow the beach. Just remembers the comparison of the "apple there is nowhere to fall." From among the holidaymakers, residents of Azerbaijan, Armenia, Kazakhstan are made up of a large proportion. There are tourists from Belarus, Ukraine, India and Iran. The number of Russian tourists increases every year, but so far the Russians are not so much. In addition, in July and August, very hot weather and the prices for accommodation in hotels are the highest.

I managed to relax here in September. The choice of this month was not random. First, September is a minimum of people on the beach, which is a big plus, not so hot weather as a season, as well as reasonable accommodation prices. As a comparison I will give prices. In season, average the price per room at the hotel and guest houses 130 lari, which is approximately 3 thousand rubles. It is without food. Three-time meals more plus $ 15 per day, two-time - 15 lari. In September, we paid 25 Lari for the room, it was about 625 rubles, they prepared themselves. The most expensive hotel in Ureki - Argo. In September, the number is $ 80, in July-August - 110 dollars.

It should be said that hotels of their own beaches do not have. In general, the infrastructure is not at all in the Ureki. Hotels are chaotic. These are private hotels. Local authorities apparently do not take any participation in the development of the resort area. Prices are high, but they are unjustified. Service as such is not, go to Ureki has nowhere. There is a small seasonal park for children with a pair of trampolines. Machines, automata and train. Shopping shops are all small, on the main broken road of Natkaly shopping tents under wooden canopies. The spirit of the Council. On the way you go and cars and people go. The cows are walking in the residential strip. Well, in one word village. Inspecting Ureki, you can walk along the main road. Walk it will take half an hour. You can go for 50 tetri on an open busting (I called Tarantayka).

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At the end of the village, that in the direction of Kobuleti, there is a Bark, but such an abandoned and dirty, which is impossible to call him in a park. There was a mobile circus and some attractions on its territory.

Even in Ureki, however, as all of Georgia, many abandoned dogs. Such skinny and unfortunate. While the tourists here are feeding them, and how they are here in winter. Sorry. They fed one dog who had to the hotel. Its owners fed and we also connected. Very sorry. How she will live without dust.

Why, despite the existing disadvantages, it is worth going to Ureki? Riding stands from behind the sea. It is very good here. The most excellent place in Georgia to relax with children, especially small. Bottom of the hollow. You can swim far away, but all finely.

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The bottom is sandy, the water is transparent. Yes, and therapeutic sand. In Batumi, the beach is rocky, in Kobuleti - pebbles. Yes, and the depth begins close to the shore. In addition, Batumi is a port city. You can not talk about the purity of the sea. Largely losing Ureki.

To be treated correctly, it is necessary to pull out the pit and give it to warm up. Then in the pit sit down, bury. Only the region of the heart does not cover sand. Sit 10-15 minutes. Then slit sand and look like at least an hour to, so to say, consolidate the effect. On the beach there are many hot corn traders, khachapuri, drinks, lemons, churchhela, fresh figs. A kilogram of figs 2 lari, just look so that there is no spoiled fruit and check the delivery. Tourists always strive to fool, counting on the fact that we are poorly focusing in someone else's currency. But the currency is better not to change here. For the exchange it is worth using banks of large cities. The course in Ureki is extremely unprofitable.

The best month is September, well, even the end of August. This is a decline of tourist activity and prices. It was this month that I was resting with my family.

In general, the rest liked. They were satisfied especially from the sea. Also managed to save on housing. The hotel in September is 4 times cheaper than in July or August. Fruits are also at cost, as in Russia.

In the evenings, heard from the cafe, which is closer to the sea, live music. A lot of Russian songs are performed, so as the border we did not feel any day. Georgian flavor in Ureki is not.

I believe that the Ureks are worth a visit, but those money that is asking for housing in hotels here in the summer month is clearly "sweened." No service, but only because of therapeutic sand. For this money, you can fly to Turkey, Egypt, Greece and get complete comfort with meals, flight, animation and other benefits. Therefore, the price commensurate quality is noticeable only when decaling the season. I don't even need to book anything in advance. If we are going at the end of August and early September, then at the entrance to Ureki ask any passerby and you will show many places with your needs. We had it so that we asked the first oncoming and he took us to the guest house, which immediately liked both the rooms and the price. Very successful placed in relation to the sea. There is a choice.

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