Shopping in Malta. What to buy?


In principle, Malta is not exactly the place where "nervous" is going. This is still more resort and rich history than great shopping.

But if you wish in this country, you can look after good things like clothing with shoes and cosmetics with perfume. I would not say that prices in comparison with other European countries do not particularly differ. Approximately the same. The first time after the introduction of the euro in the country, the Malteans were difficult (after all, the course of one lira was 2.5 euros), but quickly accustomed to.

In Valletta, one of the main streets for shopping is Street and Square of the Republic, and the largest shopping center is "Savoy". Along the street focused quite a few stores. In them, you will definitely be able to buy something to yourself or for a gift. It was there that we bought themselves an excellent small travel bag "Dolce & Gabbana".

However, Mecca for shopping in Malta is the city Sliema . It is here that the last collections of famous brands will be captured, as well as here you can find maximum discounts on such products (that is, no new collections, of course, and last year). There is no such thing as "Outlet" in Malta, but the sales take place. Most shopping centers and shops are located along a long embankment, as well as on a slightly smaller streets of Bizatsz and Tori. Stores in Slime really a lot and here you will definitely choose something. I note that even Chinese clothing offered in Maltese stores is not at all such as we used to understand the products called "China". The quality is excellent, but it is not cheap, everything is at the level of European prices. For example, Chinese denim breeches in the Tall Vale store ("T'ally Weijl") cost us 65 euros.

Most often perfume and dressing water sell in Malta in ordinary pharmacies. This is due to the complexity (or high cost) obtaining the relevant license. But in Slim, on the same embankment there is a large perfume shop. I do not remember him the name, but the choice is really serious. Moreover, you will not be annoyed something to poke into the eyes (like us), but really help choose yourself spirits. But do not look forward to low prices: Spirits Lancome perfume (50 ml) We bought for 70 euros.

I started writing about the spirits. In Maltese airport, very strict security control of flights, all fluids (including creams) take into manual staging is not allowed and must be put into the luggage compartment, that is, in a suitcase. It does not matter, they are unpacked or not. The same applies to alcohol, including small souvenir bottles. You will be offered to return to the overall hall and pass everything into the luggage (and the suitcase is already your already-tau - left). Dissenters with the Customs Policy Malta can throw out all liquids (there is no difference, how much it is), the benefit for this procedure is installed four huge transparent tanks. And I will tell you, they are all filled more than half. We are not interested in the goods (perfume and alcohol) to be packed in the above-described bag. Then the entire flight was worried that the Borispol movers "randomly" did not beat everything ... but it cost.

By the way, the flight security service is another plus in favor of Duty Free at the airport. Because, as it turned out, prices for alcohol products are here below than in any of Malta's shops. Yes, and there are no troubles with this: in the store Duty free you can all take carelessly and you can already calmly go to the plane. Moreover, Maltese Duty Free is generally considered the cheapest among all European. It also applies to perfume products. The reason for this banal: Many tourists through the Malta Airport goes on, to countries in Africa and Asia.

What else can I buy in Malta?

Very popular products from Maltese glass. They are sold throughout the island, but it is better to go to the village of Masters Ta'ali, which is not far from Mdina. Firstly, there is cheaper, secondly, the choice of souvenirs is just huge. By the way, color Maltese glass is made under the brand name "MDINA Glass".

Shopping in Malta. What to buy? 12692_1

First, I recommend to see how glass windows right on your eyes from an incomprehensible piece of glass make beautiful items. Then you can move to the selection of souvenirs. Prices are small here, but when buying several things you can count on some discount. And it is better to visit the village of Ta'ali and a souvenir shop independently, otherwise this discount will automatically get to your guide.

In the same place, in the village of Masters, you can buy jewelry made of gold and silver in the style of Filigree. The range is good, and it seems to me that it is interesting to bring something memorable from Malta in the form of the Maltese cross. However, jewelry stores are in all cities of the island, I did not compare prices.

Most of Malta's souvenir products, one way or another, is associated with the Maltese Order. Most often are knights in armor. They are both small and large (up to 40 centimeters). Large knights are made very beautiful, they cannot be wrong. Our knight cost us at 12-15 euros.

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You can buy unusual Maltese chess on my memory. They are interested in one moment: the queen (queen) there without the crown. This is due to the fact that the knights, entering the Maltese order, were obliged to give vow of celibacy. So chess is like tribute to history.

Be sure to buy yourself a traditional Maltese lace handmade. Products are also diverse: tablecloths, napkins, all sorts of covers, handbags, umbrellas, fan and much more. Although you also do not say that cheap. For a small tablecloth, we paid about 30 euros. But it is hand!

You can also buy products from ceramics and copper, clay dishes, weaving products, porcelain dolls. Production of these things is traditional for Malta.

An unusual souvenir can be the door handle purchased (and not). Also a very typical Maltese subject. Moreover, they say that there are no two identical handles in Malta.

And do not forget about excellent Maltese wines, some of which are not inferior in quality Italian. Be sure to choose yourself at least one bottle according to your preferences. In addition to the wine in Malta, interesting lips from the fruit of cactus or figs produce. The taste is extraordinary, and the Maltese cross is banging on the bottles. Actually, alcohol products can serve as a good gift for friends and colleagues.

Plus, we, like everyone, did not bypass the traditional soft drink "Kinni". It is produced only in Malta, so trying to at least because of this. Tasty, but thirst quenches less than I would like, and the elixir of youth, as locals painted it, is also not.

Well, in principle, bring a good memory with my malta.

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