The most interesting places in Ottawa.


Museum of currency in Ottawa.

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In Canada, namely, in the beautiful capital of the country - Ottawa, there is simply a huge number of attractions, as well as architectural creations both in modern style and in the old one. But the true pride is not only the city, but also of Canada, this is the number of museums, according to which Ottawa ranks first in the country. One of these museums and is the currency museum.

The museum occupies the first floor of the main Canadian bank, at 234 Wellington St.

For the first time, the idea of ​​creating a museum appeared in the 1950s, and is proposed by the Governor of the Bank by James Koyne.

Numismat Potter began to collect the collection for the museum, reflecting the path of the Canadian monetary system, from the very beginning of its appearance, until the days of modernity. The results of these works today can appreciate all visitors to the museum. There are Canadian coins, tokens, paper bills of different denominations, and other exhibits. who have a connection with the banking and financial system of the country. Some exhibits were even repurchased from private firms, the rest, in some collectors and government agencies of the country.

To date, visitors can see about one hundred thousand exhibits, and plunge into the real monetary world.

Monument to Taras Shevchenko.

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The bronze-granite monument is a great Ukrainian poet and the writer installed in the capital of Canada, the city of Ottawa. The author of the composition is Canadian of Ukrainian origin - Leo Mall, or Leonid Cuppel. To date, in Canada there is a sufficiently large number of Ukrainians who are honored and remember their roots, which is why local authorities treated the monument to Taras Shevchenko with respect.

The height of the sculpture is three meters, and the poet himself is captured here in a long raincoat, and is surrounded by sculptures of the most famous works: Katerina with a baby, Gaidamaks and Kobzarem. And the location of the monument is the park of Nevdax from the Canal Rido, who plays the role of the Great Dnieper.

Papanak Zoo.

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This is a very beautiful landmark of the city, which people of all ages are happy to visit and pleasure, especially children. Here, a variety of animal representatives will really surprise every visitor. Woliers with beautiful wild tigers, lemurs, exotic birds with bright plumage, snow leopards and other, equally bright representatives. The employees of the zoo, happily provide very detailed information about the life and peculiarities of the behavior of certain animals, which is very interesting.

In addition, the zoo is considered to be a contact, in which representatives of innocuous species give themselves to stroke and even feed with goodies.

Parents can arrange children a real birthday holiday, since the zoo has a specialized aviary in which children can hold their holiday with animals. On the territory of the zoo there is also places for family picnics, and in the vicinity - souvenir shops and even childish summer camp, which can be enrolled in.

And in general, it is just amazing how many positive emotions this place brings literally every visitor. You come here, you look at animals, and bad mood as it did not happen.

Address Zoo: County Road 19, Wendover, On K0a 3k0, Canada.

Museum of Laurage.

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To be honest, this is a very interesting place, because it is a house-museum dedicated to the memory of Canada Ministers - Sir Wilfrida Lorier and William Lyona McKenzy King.

Why two ministers, you ask. Yes, because in the gap from 1897-1948, Wilford Lorier lived here, and after his death, McCenzi King decided to create a museum from his home in order to convey the story to future generations.

In addition to things of the ministers themselves, the style of their lives is preserved here, as well as some objects of other Canadian ministers and political figures of the country. Here is very interesting in the interior of the house, since it is he who keeps the traditional of a true Canadian style, without any additions and elements of modern decoration.

Address: 335 Laurier Ave East and, Ottawa, ON K1N 6R4.

Sculpture joy.

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This sculpture was created by Canadian sculptor Bruce Garner of copper, in 1970. Near the building of parliamentary parties, intersection of Elgin Street and Sparks Street.

The sculpture called joy, simply because four people were depicted here: two women, a man and a child. And they all stretch up the hands, the joy of sunny heat and the light, which illuminates them.

Very symbolic and simple, moreover, the sculpture is very popular among tourists and visitors to the city. Some tourists here make a lot of original and few unconventional photos.

Museum "Manor Billings".

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It would seem that a rather traditional Canadian mansion, which in the city there is a large number. But not everything is so ordinary as it seems, since this house belonged to one of the founding families of the present capital of the city - Ottawa. In this ordinary wooden house, built in 1827, lived as many as five generations of the Billings family.

In 1975, the house was turned into a museum, and in 2012 declared it as an object of the historical and cultural doctrines of the city.

To date, visitors are waiting for more than thirteen thousands of exhibits, among which rare written documents, photos and cuts from newspapers, as well as a large number of artifacts. You can see and understand how families of the original Canadians lived for many centuries.

Bridge Prince Welsh.

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This bridge is a valuable historical monument, since it connects Montreal, Quebec and Ottawa with the Canadian Pacific Railway, and crosses the southern part of the Ottawa River.

As you already understood, the bridge is named after Prince Wales, and was built in the eighties of the nineteenth century. Surprisingly, at that time, the bridge was important and was popular and over the next century. Unfortunately, after new ways of movement appeared, the line was abandoned, and in 2005, the bridge was completely closed.

But today, the authorities consider the use of the bridge as a pedestrian route.

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