What should I see in Ottawa?


Monument to spider.

What should I see in Ottawa? 12671_1

This is perhaps the most original and extraordinary monument in all Canada, which I had to see. Located on the central square of the city, this giant monster is just hard not to notice, and it is located right in front of the entrance to the National Gallery Building. Spider height is about ten meters, and the material is bronze and stainless steel.

And if for tourists is just a frightening sculpture, then for its creator - the American sculptor Louise Bourgeois, creation is very symbolic. This huge spider, in fact, Pouchikha, whose belly is filled with marble white eggs. And the creation itself is called Maman. Creation was created in honor of the Mother of the artist, and Louise itself claims that in fact, spiders are very caring and friendly, with respect to their offspring and place of their residence. Therefore, Pouchikha has gained very great popularity among tourists visiting Ottawa, as well as after time, the love of local residents has also conquered.

Monument address: 380 SUSSEX DR, OTTAW.

Petri island.

The island is located right on the Ottawa River, namely to the eastern part of it. By the way, Canadians call the neighboring small islands that surround the island, and Petri, in honor of their first owner, Archird Petri. Formed from clay and sand, the island belongs to the territorial city of Ottawa, and are located on the territory of the ecological reserve of the city, which is very popular among the locals and tourists of the city.

Visitors of the island can enjoy its beauty and peace, as well as beautiful birds, which are more than one hundred and thirty species that are its inhabitants. In addition, there is a very large number of rare species of turtles, and plants on the island. Volunteers of the city support a small volunteer center on the territory, which helps to follow the plants and the inhabitants of the island, and maintain purity on it.

But in the park area, I am sure that you will enjoy a beautiful deciduous forest, with fertile soils and beautiful plants, as well as a secluded park designed for weekends.

Address: ON K4A 3P4.

Decorative gardens.

In the Central Experimental Farm of the country there are excellent and charming decorative gardens of Ottawa, which are very popular among the tourists of the city.

These gardens are intended for experiments, the purpose of which was to eliminate new varieties of frost-resistant species.

Today, the derived species of roses specifically expose to everyone, in collections of large decorative plants there are also other types of arthur Persity peonies or Lilac Isabella Preston.

What should I see in Ottawa? 12671_2

It's just a great place, of course, for lovers of flowers and plants in general. The territory of the garden is divided into several sections to ensure appropriate growth conditions. But what struck me most is the wonderful landscapes of the gardens, in some areas of which, several types of plants merge together and, in some places, form whole live paintings.

Address: 901 Prince of Wales DR, Ottawa, On K2C 3J9.

Canadian grave of an unknown soldier.

What should I see in Ottawa? 12671_3

Sarcophag is located at Wellington Street in Ottawa. This is a memorable symbol of not only an unknown soldier, but also to all unidentified and not found soldiers of the First World War. The symbol of whole twenty seven thousand soldiers who do not have their own graves. The remains of the soldier sent from France in 2000, when the disposal itself was made.

The sarcophag itself is made of dark granite, 3.5 meters long, as well as having as many as three tiers. On the roof of the sarcophague is the bronze sculpture of the artist of Mary-Ann Liu, which personifies the helmet, medieval sword, as well as the branches of Canadian maple and laurel leaves. Every year, the sarcophagus shower thousands of red poppies, which in those distant times grew from the graves of the victims of the soldiers. People honor the memory of the soldiers and constantly bring flowers here.

What should I see in Ottawa? 12671_4

Royal Canadian Monument of Naval Forces.

This monument is a symbol of respect for women and men who served in the royal naval forces of the country. Al McWilliams is a project artist, and Yostom Backer and Bruce Hayden is his architects.

This monument is completely young, since it took place in 2012, commissioned by the National Capital Commission and the Royal Naval Forces of the country.

The monument itself is made of marble, eight meters high, upstairs of which the gold sphere can be seen. The marble is covered by the whole environment of the territory, which gives him even greater sophistication. In addition, the Memorial is very honored by the locals of Canada, laying flowers to him, in memory of the dead.

Address: Middle St, Ottawa, On K1R.

Pedestrian Bridge Corktown.

What should I see in Ottawa? 12671_5

The second name of the bridge - the Somerset Bridge, a permeable Channel of Riota in Ottawa. The construction of the bridge is very new, fulfilled in 2006, quite near the bridge of Lorier Avenue. It was built so that the residents could be comfortably crossing the channel to communicate Somerset Street and the University of the city. After all, before, people passed through the channel, mainly in winter when the water frozen. But many residents continued to do this and with the onset of spring, when the ice was tattered a little, and the transition was already dangerous. Therefore, local authorities and decided to build a special pedestrian bridge, so that at least somehow secure people of Ottawa.

Gradually, people are very accustomed to him, and today they consider it one of the main attractions of the city.

Address: Corktown Footbridge, Ottawa, ON.

Watson Mill.

On the shores of the River Ridge, in the suburb of the capital, there is a very old and beautiful Watson Mill, which was built back at the end of the 19th century. But the most awesome is that the mill is still functioning, and the nearby building made of gray stone has been perfectly preserved to our times. Since 1972, the mill, together with the building, is located in the list of Cultural Heritage of Canada and is under state security.

Today, tourists can visit the building in which there is a museum of the Mill History and buy a flour, which is produced using the most vintage technologies.

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