Long-awaited trip to London


I taught English from the first class in the language gymnasium. Then five more years in a linguistic university. United Kingdom and London for me is something like a relic. Every year we studied London in the smallest details, its attractions. Unfortunately, while studying in England, there was no opportunity to go to England, they did not offer any student tours, and there was no financial opportunity to go on their own. We also have only two to three lucky teachrs who visited London still while studying.

And this year, we finally collected the necessary amount with my husband and decided to visit Tuman Albion. The question of an independent trip did not stand, too hard to teach a visa, so we turned to travel agencies where we were offered a great tour for a week with a flight from Minsk. And he cost us not so expensive as we assumed. Plus, the price included basic excursions that were very by the way.

The first impression from London was as if I was there more than once. He seemed to pain his relatives and acquaintances. Sixteen years of studying English did not pass in vain))) The first meeting with the guide was on Trafalgar Square. Column Nelson made an impression with its scale. Then we went to Westminster Abbey. There I could have done a tour because I remembered the themes by heart. In the evening we were walking our own in the city. It seemed to me that I was sleeping, and London would dream of me - in such a wild delight I was.

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The next day was the Day of Museums: We visited the National Art Gallery and the British Museum. I finally saw the pictures of the costlot's favorite me.

The next day we went to Windsor Castle. All my impressions can be expressed in one word - delight!

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We also saw the famous Big Ben, and the London Bridge, and Tower, and Landan ah. And a few hours walked on the guide park.

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As for food, ate where I had. Completely bought food in supermarkets, in the evenings found cozy cafes. Tried a national dish Fish and Chips. Normal fried fish with fried potatoes. In general, the food did not impress.

Moved around the city on the subway. It is good that the guide advised us to buy a ticket for a week, otherwise they would spend three times more money for travel.

I will definitely want to come to London again, and live there a longer, feel like a real Englishman. Maybe when our son is growing, we will choose a linguistic program for him and come together to the capital of the UK.

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