The most "Russian" resort of Israel!


Eilat was the final of our two-week travel in Israel. We chose this famous resort on the Red Sea to relax here after numerous moves and excursions, wander on the beach, enjoy the sea and the sun.

The main attraction of Eilat is definitely the sea. Soft dry climate, similar to Egyptian practically relative to us, makes this place suitable for rest all year round. We arrived here in early November, the weather was wonderful: a cloudless sky, light breeze, air +25, water + 23, and a single rain in a week. The coast of the Red Sea in his most narrow part of Eilat divides with the Jordanian neighbor - the city of Aqaba, who is well visible in the afternoon, and in the evening, when the lights light up, creates a wonderful glowing panorama.

The most

The urban beach is very tightly formed by umbrellas and sun beds, they are all paid, but you can stay near your private towel. The coastal line is rocky, consists of small pebbles. Some of the expensive hotels doll up the beaches near their sand. But in general, because of the abundance of stones and the proximity of corals, special slippers will not interfere with the water. The transparency of the water in the Red Sea is amazing! We swam with tubes and masks right from the shore: you can see sea ends, some corals and single fish. But of the real snorkeling of course you need to go away, it is best to take a sightseeing boat for a whole day, the benefit of travel agencies with similar services in the city is enough.

The most

In Eilat, a huge number of our compatriots is resting, so the entire urban infrastructure focused on Russian tourists. In almost all restaurants there is a Russian-speaking menu, in any store there is a Russian-speaking seller, many taxi drivers own the main spoken phrases. Naturally, the local airport service is put on the wiring of Russian-speaking employees, which makes a sufficiently long and not pleasant procedure for passing the control much more convenient. In a word, Eilat is a city where you can boldly come without knowing foreign languages, and at the same time not to be afraid to get into the difficult position or skip something interesting.

Directly in the city itself there are no attractions as such, but there are many interesting places, especially for traveling with children. First of all, this is the Marine Park "Underwater Observatory", the reserve-attraction Dolphin Reef and the Amusement Park "City of Kings". If you are looking for something more cultural and informative, it is worth going to the unique nature reserve Timna, which is in the desert, to the famous Massada Fortress, or to the neighboring Jordan to visit the real miracle of the world - the ancient city of Peter. In Eilat, many travel agencies that organize excursions to these places. But we went everywhere ourselves, it goes much cheaper and more interesting, of course, if you prepare in advance and learn these attractions in advance and a little.

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