Best entertainment in Miami


Each tourist who came to this American city, if desired, does not bother - it would be, this is a desire! Entertainment is both in South Beach, and specifically in Miami.

Visit Everglades.

Each tourist who fell in Miami for a long time, would probably be escaped from the city somewhere in nature. And this can be done - in the Everglades National Park. This is a swampy territory in the western part of Florida, which occupies the area in 6104 sq. Km. The park was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, so it's worth relaxing here so as not to harm the integrity of natural wealth. Tourists go here to enjoy wonderful natural landscapes - you can order a walking tour or ride a boat. Anyway, you have a chance to meet local animals, the most interesting of which is an alligator (all the local travel agencies just do the focus). The Evergleds National Park also meets representatives of another extinct species - Florida Panther, as well as exotic birds, which will not see anywhere else in North America.

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It is best to go here from December to March - then not very hot and mosquitoes are not bored. To order the excursion you can contact the site of the National Park. Spare on a swampy terrain on the boat will cost 23 dollars for an adult and 12 for a child.

Go to Ki-West

Another interesting point of Florida, which would be worth seeing. A small town near Miami, it seems to be nothing different from others the same, but tourists go here constantly. Ki-West is the southernmost point of the United States, it is surrounded by the ocean on all sides. To get to it, you need to drive more than a hundred miles along the beautiful track - right in the ocean - with the help of which the message takes place between small islands. It is very likely that the trip itself will leave you more impressions than the town among the ocean.

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It has wonderful beaches in it, where you can entertain well. However, only for such a rest does not make sense, after all, there are no problems in Miami with the beaches. There is such a curious feature in the city of Ki-West - one of his side has access to the Atlantic Ocean, and the other to the Mexican bay. Beaches, mostly located from the eastern edge.

Cuba, by the way, is nearby - at a distance of one and a half hundred km - it can be saved on the ferry (if you are not a citizen of the United States). To the very same Ki-West on a car from Miami is long-time - more than three hours, however, to visit this paradise place, enjoying the views of the ocean ... Yes, the trip justifies itself!

Stroll by couch Drive

It's never calm here, it's never boring here - clusters of discos, bars, hotels, outlets and casinos. The sounds of music, the people, gathered in Miami from different parts of the planet, communicates, are resting here representatives of the city elite ... Visit the cafe, drink a cold cocktail, looking at the Atlantic Ocean, or to be frozen in some nightclub - that's what you can do on the couch Drive.

The tracks surround high palm trees, and they themselves can see people on rollers, cyclists, as well as elegant cars. Here it is what the partner of Miami ...

Visit the Match Basketball Team

In Miami, everyone loves basketball. There are places in America, where other sports are very popular - football or hockey, but here in the first place is this one. So on the main basketball arena Miami - American Airlines - the people of people are going to all the matches of the NBA. If you like basketball or generally sport, then go to such an event - a flurry of emotions will be guaranteed. And for local basketball is not just a sport, but a way of life ...

Fly over the city by helicopter

If you allow you tools and you are not afraid of flights, you can try to see Miami from another angle - from a bird's eye view, ordering an air tour. With the search for the relevant office there should be no problem - there are many of them here. The cost of such entertainment, of course, is rather big, but for the money spent you get interesting impressions and re-acquaint the city. During the hour, the excursion tour will have to pay 200-250 dollars.

Go to the lion's safari

Safari is located at a distance of seventy miles from the city - here you can see a lion or a giraffe at a distance of some meter from myself. Naturally, from the car. In the park, nature is similar to African - you can even forget for the time that this is the staff of Florida, not Kenya. Especially since you can also see elephants, zebras, rhinos and monkeys ...

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In the park there is an opportunity to walk on foot - on the pedestrian trails (where the lion you, a clear thing, is not met), there is also a small park with attractions, in which your children can come down. The entrance to the Safari Park is approximately thirty dollars. You can and yourself take it to the car - for this you need to go from the city in the north. The road will take more than an hour.

Circle surfing

Resting on the beaches is nice, however, the active rest is also needed. In Miami, it is primarily surfing. South Beach is a paradise for lovers to fly along the waves, throughout the year there is a suitable water temperature, and waves are not uncommon. Surfing can be both profi and newcomers. If you decide to do this for the first time, you can use the services of a qualified trainer - on average, one lesson will have to pay a hundred dollars.

Stroll on Lincoln Road Street

Lincoln Road is the most important pedestrian street in the city, it originates near the Eastern Beach and stretches to the western end of the island. Here are branded shops, hotels, restaurants and theater. Most of all walking along this street love just visiting, not local. Low prices in establishments located here you will not find - and you can hardly have been expected to go on it, going to Miami ...

People like the atmosphere of rest, which reigns on Lincoln Road in the evening. The people stroll down the street, arranged in bars, relaxes. It is necessary to go here to better get acquainted with Miami.

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