What time is it better to rest in Istanbul?


"Istanbul is a city of contrast!" - This phrase from the "Diamond Hand" knows the "Diamond Hand" knows by many Soviet Cinemons. But today Istanbul, in addition to the magnificent and anyone of the city, is also a huge popular hub. The Istanbul airport is simply an incredible number of international and domestic flights. And each independent traveler knows that one of the most "delicious" prices for flights can be caught by transfer in Istanbul.

Thanks to this fact, I managed to see Istanbul in each of the four seasons as an independent traveler. Moreover, I am not easy to transplant to another flight, but I love to live in this Euro-Asian city a couple of days and only then continue the journey.


If you have "not burning," the visit of Istanbul in winter is better to postpone. Although, I once was very lucky with the weather in January: a couple of days that I spent in this city shone the sun, there was a windless weather and wander on your favorite streets was pleasure, but it is rather an exception from the winter Istanbul. Typically, the temperature does not rise above 10 degrees, but at the same time the cold wind is constantly blowing and plus the tightening rains go. Agree that the walk in such weather conditions is almost impossible, and if some of the desperate and go to inspect the main attractions, then after half an hour, no matter how warmly you are dressed, you will curse everything around and you will dream only about a hot bath. Too crushed weather in winter in Istanbul. Snow in the capital of Turkey is an infrequent phenomenon, but I "subharftyl"

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But in winter, this city becomes very affordable for a tourist: prices are falling at times and for all: housing, food, tickets to museums. At this time of the year there are very few tourists here.


I have long noticed that in the spring any corner of the globe, where there is such a concept as a change of season, becomes the most beautiful in everything. Spring is already greens, but still freshness! Istanbul in the spring is beautiful!

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Turks love warmth and let there are no snowy and harsh winters in the capital of Turkey, but in the spring the locals rejoice at no less than our. But there are sharp drops of temperatures. I once caught the very cool May and if it were not for a warm jam, it would be sick. So the jumper or windbreaker in the Spring Istanbul does not prevent accurately. Temperature day can reach 20-25 degrees, but evenings and nights will definitely be cool.

One of the reasons to visit the capital of Turkey is the spring is the parade of tulips. This year he passed on April 4, but the beauty of flowers pleased tourists for a long time. Spectacle, you need to mention, unforgettable.

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It seems that tulips are everywhere: roadside of roads, yards, alleys, parks - everything is literally planted with this flower. Moreover, the color range is so diverse, and the flavors are so strong that in the literal sense he blows his head. Allergies need to be careful.

In addition, it is the spring here a lot of various festivals here: a film festival, theatrical, jazz and many others. And for shopping lovers will delight the "Shopping Week", traditionally passing in mid-April.


I can recommend only the beginning of summer, then the hell begins. You can only save on the coast, which is blown by a lung breeze. But the coastal zone is rich in not very pleasant flavors associated with the unclean coast. But within the city, among the stone jungle, when the asphalt melts under his feet to be uncomfortable. Neither ice cream nor cold water, no panama and umbrellas from the sun sails. In Istanbul, I just have nothing to breathe in the literal sense of the word. The temperature can rise to 40 degrees, but this is a rather rare phenomenon. On average, the thermometer column day shows 30-35 degrees, but in a high humidity, this is even pleasure.

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Most tourists are saved in the greenery of parks or in the shadow of numerous mosques.


About autumn I can say the same as about the first days of summer, with the only only reservation, that all September, most likely, will stand wonderful weather. Istanbul in this month is also beautiful as in the spring, but there is a reborn nature, and here is a subsidiary. Walking in the September Istanbul will deliver real aesthetic pleasure.

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But October and November may be rainy. And although the remains of heat are still saved and there is a chance to "catch" sunny days, but most often the November Istanbul is a lead sky and a cool wind.

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Istanbul is beautiful at any time of the year, and numerous attractions can be visited in winter. Just need to prepare for each season and then you will not experience disappointment. But this rule is applicable for any resort. Do not let the weather spoil the impression from Istanbul. Come here in the spring, early summer or early autumn and you will see what tourists come here from different parts of countries.

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