City of Music - Vienna


Vienna is one of the few cities in the world who has seen in his century a huge number of composers. Here we worked and lived Beethoven, Strauss, Mozart, Schubert and others. And of course, attending this wonderful city, it is impossible not to pay attention to the memo stay of such great people.

As in most of my time travel, I had a crash at the sights of Vienna. Therefore, according to the accelerated program, I got acquainted with the central part of the city.

Vienna is an expensive city, the money is desirable to change immediately or pay the card, as a large percentage is charged for cash withdrawal. A cup of coffee stands in a cafe 5 euros, a piece of famous cake "Zaher" - 7 euros. Maybe it is only in the central part of the city, as in other places - I do not know.

And in all the rest, it's just a wonderful, beautiful place. The buildings are very neat, European-style, many of them are architectural monuments.

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One of the attractions is a monument to Johann Strauss. This is a symbol of the vein, it is necessary to see. Posmotnik is located in the city park and is a bronze figure of the composer with a violin in his hands. Very nice!

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In Vienna, there are also monuments of Mozart, Beethoven, Brahms. I had the opportunity to see only a monument to Mozart, but next time I will definitely visit everyone else. Mozart is represented from white marble, a treble key is posted in front of the monument.

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Interested in me a monument to Soviet soldiers. It was very surprising to see a similar memo of history in the Austrian capital.

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Before the monument, a beautiful fountain. The monument is a figure of a soldier who holds the coat of arms of the USSR in his hand.

I was very impressed by the city park, many trees, well-kept lawns, artificial ponds, in which ducks freely float. There are places for recreation, the atmosphere of tranquility and peace reigns.

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In Vienna, there is a royal riding school, it is interesting that there are 250 white horses in it. Horses are very well-groomed, riding in Vienna is also one of the symbols of the capital.

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There are a huge set of attractions in the city, which will require not one day. It is worth visiting the museum quarter, look at the opera, Vienna Town Hall, feel the atmosphere of palaces. Enjoy at least a piece of battlefield, drink a cup of coffee and do not rush anywhere. And for loved ones, you can bring unique candy with the image of Mozart on the overturn.

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